
What is the best online trading site? I'm liking E*Trade, but what do you think?

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What is the best online trading site? I'm liking E*Trade, but what do you think?




  1. You need to evaluate what services are important to you first.  I place a priority an research reports, real-time streaming quotes and low commissions.  Go with the firm that meets your needs.  I have accounts at both E*Trade and TDAmeritrade and am happy with both.

  2. There is no "best on-line trading site"

    All major brokerage firms provide on-line services for their clients.

    Investors/traders should select the company that best fits theirs needs or provides all the services that are required, once the company is selected, then you work with the site the provide

    All companies have basically the same trading platform as the next, you have to select what best for you

    Although most sites are geared to general securities and commodities, however customers may have special needs for the types of products they trade, and the markets in which they trade.

    It seems that the most popular firms for on-line investing all of which provide excellent platforms and services are; Scottrade; Chas.Schwab; TDAmeritrade; Fidelity; E-Trade and Thinkorswim

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