
What is the best opening for white pieces for white if you are a beginner?

by Guest65127  |  earlier

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I always play chess and I don't have any good opening for white I use to play king's indian defence in black.

what is the best way to have a good endgame positions?




  1. If you like the kings indian defence -- play it as white -- i believe it is called the Kings Indian Attack

    Don't trust me -- look it up

    Good Luck

  2. Open with the Kings pawn to e4 ( move the kings pawn to spaces). Then play the Ruy Lopez system. For a good queenside game try the Colle system

  3. For a beginner, with white, it is always easy to start with advancing the king's pawn first, and if the opponent does not do the same, you can advance the queen's pawn too, thereby taking control of the center.  This is what all players initially fight for, control of the center.  Make sure you bring out your knights soon after this to defend both pawns.  There are billion other good openings for white, but basics first.

    As far as the endgame is concerned, try to retain your knight instead of the bishop.  If you have a knight on the board and if your opponent has a white bishop, then you can place whatever pawns you have on the black squares thereby negating any threat of the white bishop.  In effect, the white bishop is useless in this case and you can use your knight and king to take the opponent's pawns remaining.

  4. I recomend to buy chessmaster,but any way i will give some advice

    the Ruy Lopez is best option for u

    1.e4! e5

    if black played e5 continue development like this

    2.Kf3 what ever he play like (Kc6,d6,)

    lets say he played 2...Kc6

    continue with

    3.Bc4 Kf6

    4.Kc3 Be7

    5.O-O O-O

    completed done first step

    now the war

    6.Re1 with the following d3,Bg5,h3 etc


    log in advance chess room and watch red player play,like me  heheheh

  5. When coaching I always taught the beginners The Fried liver attack.

    1. e4 e5

    2. nf3 nc6

    3. bc4 nc6

    4. ng5 ...

    This opening sets you up with a double attack on the f7 pawn and give your opponent plenty of ways to fail and drop material.  If they *don't* drop material, against non master opponents, you are a good position and ready for a good game =)

  6. For beginners, I always suggest the french defense for black.  

    This allows for the black player to force white into openings so the person playing black does not have to memorize every king pawn opening.

    For White, I always like K4 to start.  (loop up Ruy Lopez, or Guico Piano)  

    Pawn to Q4 is also a good opening move, and you can do the Queen's Gambit.    

    King pawn advance is saying I am coming after you aggressively.  Queen pawn is many times a slower game.

    Playing good opening and middle game strategy is the best way to have a good endgame position.

    Here is a great page of chess resources: (especially check out the Chess Tips sheet.

  7. I think it is best to take advantage of the two square move and move the king pawn two squares to K4 then same with Q4  then prepare the way for castling, as for the endgame try to hang on to the rooks after exchange of queens

  8. King pawn opening pawn to king 4

  9. Hi,

         You may like to visit my webpage - link below?  Just click on 'OPENING' at the top of this page?  I hope this is helpful for you.  

    Yours sincerely,


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