
What is the best option for personal health insurance?

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I am recently coming to the end of my COBRA 18 month policy that I took after ending my last job. I am my own boss, and I am wondering how to go about seeing which providers would be a good fit. I currently have Blue Cross/ Blue Shield. Is there a way to keep the same policy and just pay a normal premium?




  1. ~~You will have to have a new policy after your COBRA ends. They may rate you differently because you were under a group rate. If you are a Costco membership and live in either, CA, OR, WA, NV or HI they have small business insurance that;s awesome as well as great rates. You can go to if this applies. If not, you can talk to an independent agent for quotes, or try www.ehealthinsurance. com and get quick quotes from several companies. I wish you luck!~~

  2. Blue Cross / Blue Shield plans vary from one State to the other. But that being said, you probably will be able to convert to an individual plan offerred by the "Blues" without proof of insurability. The plan benefits will not be the same as the plan you now have through Costco.

    You need a trusted adviser to help you through the process of purchasing health insurance so that you understand what you are purchasing. Your agent may be able to offer the individual plans from Blue Cross / Blue Shield as well as showing you plans from other carriers. Or you may need just temporary coverage until you get another job. Some may suggest going on line to get a quote but you probably already know that there is much more to health insurance than price.

    If you will be seeking long term coverage consider that ultimately, you are the one who determines the affordability of your health insurance plan by deciding how much you will participate in sharing the cost of your health care with your insurance company.

    If you choose a plan that covers everything i.e. doctors office visits, prescription drugs, preventative health benefits, maternity coverage as well as low deductibles and low copays your monthly premiums will be significant.

    On the other hand if you are young and healthy and rarely use the health care system you could consider a plan that covers only the major health catastrophe which will result in a relatively low monthly premium. You then can use the monthly premium savings to pay for the occasional doctor visit and still come out ahead.

    Use the Internet to educate yourself but use an agent to purchase the coverage.

  3. Nope, you can't keep the same policy.

    You have to reapply for a personal policy, which WILL be underwritten as far as your health and age go.

    If you've got stuff currently wrong with you, the options include increasing the rates, refusing to cover those conditions, or flat out not insuring you at all, so don't wait too long before getting replacement quotes.

    On the other hand, if you're young & healthy, that private policy is probably going to cost LESS than the Cobra.

  4. ehealthinsurance is a good place to see what is available but don't buy from them unless you like talking to people in a call center. Call a local agent that works with all the major companies; you'll get the same rates, you'll get the same office each time you call and you'll get personalized service. Also, if you have any pre-existing conditions or are out of the normal height and weight guidelines the agent will be able to find the company that will accept you and that will have the best coverage for your situation. ehealth just submits your application and they don't worry if it gets declined.

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