
What is the best option for the OSU offense against the defense of USC?

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jclayton - This first part is for you. Yet another opportunity to tell me to do something better with my time... which is all that you ever have to say. BTW, I left you a response on the last question. But the question below is for REAL fans.

For the rest of you that actually know something about college football and like to talk about it in depth, what do you think? Will Beenie be Beenie against the stellar LB core from USC? Will Robo and Boeckman have enough chemistry against the fast DBs of USC? And will Pryor make a difference? What are your thoughts?




  1. ohio state has to be able to do what they always do, which is pound the ball between the tackles and set up the play action pass...the trojans' defense is based on speed, and if wells can get going for 4-6 yard gains consistently up the middle, the buckeyes will be able to chew the clock and keep the ball away from usc's athletes on the other side of the ball...pryor can also make a difference by coming in and giving the offense another dimension...however, if usc can control the line of scrimmage there is no way the buckeyes can win the game, usc's pass rush will just eat boeckman alive

  2. BEANIE WELLS BEANIE WELLS BEANIE WELLS... o and BEANIE WELLS early and often...Pryor will probably not play until they get into there conference games, Robo and Boeckman could hook up in the second half if Wells has an average first half, which and average half for him is better than a good game for most, USC's linebackers will be over powered by one of the best o-lines in college football, USC is too small on the interior of there defensive line to jam up the running lanes.  But OSU's defense has to be ready because even without the big name quarterback and receivers USC always has one of the if not the best offense's in the nation. This could be the best game of the entire season and with the game being so early in the year both teams barring a catastrophic break down could meet in the national title game at the end of the season.

  3. Well, I think the key is for OSU to switch it up and keep USC guessing. They will need to run plays that folks are not used to seeing from them - and I don't mean trick plays per se. They need to pass on first down (as opposed to running like they ALWAYS do), they need to use Robiskie and Hartline as much as they rely on Beanie because people will be expecting him to make some big plays.

    Back in the day, the Coopster attempted to do a 2 QB shuffle and it was a disaster every time they switched. The offense would have to find their footing all over again and there's just not enough time to do that. It was 3 and out many times when he did that. If Tress can come up with a way to blend the QBs and their styles so much that the transition is seamless, I think OSU could have a great 2 QB set up.

    But yes, Pryor will make a difference. He's huge and he's fast (think Vince Young...when a play wasn't panning out, he'd made one).

    We'll see what happens!

  4. A nice, speedy spread offense will kill USC. I beat USC as OSU in NCAA 09 31-7.

  5. There Defense, win the battle of field position

  6. I honestly believe that USC will not have a chance against Ohio State this season.  Their big guys have returned and yes Pryor is going to make a difference this year.  He already has an incredible arm and the USC defense will never get him if he takes off and runs.  He is that quick.  Jim Tressel already stated that he is planning on using Pryor early in the season, and most likely will use the dual QB threat. Beenie came on in the end of the season, I think he will hold his own against USC.

    You do not make the national championship game with lack of talent and speed.  


  7. OSU has shown the world on numerous occasions that they do not have the talent, speed, or depth to compete against the top echelon teams in college football.  OSU's best hope against USC is to tackle well, hope for lucky breaks like bad officiating and injuries, and then just get lucky.  USC by no less than 14.  Bank it.

  8. Way to harass me. Good job. I am a college fan, I mean I don't spend my day researching statistics and ranting on Yahoo, I just watch the game and know the players.

    B Wells will be ok against USC, He came on strong late last year and played very well against Michigan and LSU. I look for them to utilize Pryor in a way that Florida used Tebow in 2006. I am also interested if they can throw Brandon Saine into the mix. I thought they would have used him more last year in a double back set with B Wells or as a slot receiver. I do think Saine is a much better back then M Wells. I can't stand that guy- never have liked him and am glad he is a senior. The Brians should be ok as long as the Offensive line is strong enough to Todd enough time to throw. That is what im worried about most- the strength of the offensive line.  

  9. Beanie Wells should have a decent game against USC.  I say this because most of OSU's O-line is back and did a serviceable job run blocking for Beanie against the LSU D-line (which I feel is a much better defensive line than what USC will possess).  The air game for Ohio State is the big question mark.  OSU has had a h**l of a time pass blocking against the elite defenses the last couple seasons.  Pryor should see the field depending on how quickly he picks things up.  Also, look for Boeckman to take off up the middle on occasion.  OSU used this to great effect in 2002 keeping Miami honest.  I know he's not fast, but neither was Krenzel and it kept that Miami pass rush at bay.  OSU has moved away from that lately and it has cost them dearly against the top tier teams in the country.  Finally, look for Brandon Saine to be a key difference maker against USC as OSU will attempt to get him the ball in space.  He can run out of the backfield and is also an excellent receiver lined up or coming out of the backfield.  Ultimately though, none of this matters if the offensive line can't block.  This game comes down to trench play first and foremost.

  10. Sorry I do not have time to answer gotta run , the only thing I can say is your question could be asked completely opposite , What is the best option for the USC Offense against The OSU Defense , I have been to several USC practices and the Offense especially the Quarterback play looks horrible I have seen it and many are concerned .

    Gotta Run I look forward to conversing with you.

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