
What is the best or easiest type of engineering to go into, and how much does it pay?

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What is the best or easiest type of engineering to go into, and how much does it pay?




  1. It would help to know what areas you're interested in. But I'd say ceramic engineering is a big one right now. There are a lot of things that are made out of plastic just because it's cheap that could equally well be made out of ceramics. Since plastics come from oil and ceramics don't, a lot of those things will be switching to ceramics over the next 20 or 30 years.

  2. From my personal experience i can tell you this:

    Im right now a junior going into senior in electrical and i like a lot, it but is hard as #$%@!!

    I have good friends that are in mechanical and they do have it easier, a good friend of mine graduated from civil and he also had it easier than i do.

    as far as which ones pay best:

    I think computer engineering is one at the top with Chemical. as far as dificulty of each...CE is a subset of EE, almost the same emphasis on circuit design with way more programing... in other words.. as hard as EE. as far as CHE.. i dont know much.

    EE is a  little better paid than ME, but not much, the  difference is that there are WAY more people with MEs than EEs, so if you are a ME, you have more people gunning for the same job, but if you do decide for ME, make sure... and this is imperative.. that you learn Pro-Engineer (CAD package) backwards and forwards, Autodesk (makers of autocad) also have a package like Pro-E (but i dont know the name), also that one. Also EE (at least in my school) requires more broad physics classes... which means, i can take 2 more physics classes and get a minor in physics

    my cousin went to U of M for materials engineering... and even though he went to the number 15 school in the country he  had a hard time finding a job in his field because is much more of a specialized field...he got hired and retrained as a Comp Eng, so i would say, dont go into materials or ceramic engineering, take something more broad into which you can specialized into a area later

    in the end it depends on your abilities, if you study engineering... you pretty much have a job... you might not be rich in engineering, but will live comfortably. The norm is a start of 45k to 50k for almost any eng.. but i think civil eng makes the least of all

    In the end, you only know your abilities, i mean you probably have taken:

    Engineering physics 1 & 2, Chemistry and  programing by now.

    if you liked Eng Phys 1: you probably will like being a ME, or Civil better

    if you liked Eng Phys 2: EE, CE

    if you liked Chem : CHE then

    if you like programing: CE or CS

    if you have had biology, look into bio engineering, there are big bucks to be made there

    good luck dude!! talk to your councellor

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