
What is the best oral chelation product for heavy metals?

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What is the best oral chelation product for heavy metals?




  1. The best one is homeopathic Mercurius solubilis (of course!) 30 CH combined with chlorella.

    Do not attempt this kind of detox without being closely followed by someone who has done it him/herself or at least someone who knows what you are going to go through and can help and support you.

    The reactions can be pretty frightening sometimes and you shouldn't do this alone.

    There is no need to wait for anything to be PROVEN. Anyone who has had vaccinations has mercury and aluminium in the body. If you in addition have amalgam fillings, you have an extra dose of mercury.

    If you've thought of doing this kind of detox, don't do it as long as you still have your amalgam fillings. There is no point. And wait at least six months after all the fillings have been removed.

    All the best!

    Lisa J

  2. EDTA is the most commonly used agent to bind heavy metals in proven cases of heavy metal toxicity.

    My emphasis on PROVEN....not because some quack naturopath has done muscle testing on you and recommends a detox.

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