
What is the best organic product to use to get rid of or deter crickets in my yard?

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I have windows and doors that lead outside of every room in my house and it seems like the crickets are surrounding my house! Not only is their CONSTANT chirping driving me and my girls crazy until wee hours of the morning, but as soon as the sun goes down, they jump and crawl all over my driveway. When we come home in the evening, my girls don't want to leave the car because the crickets freak them out. They are EVERYWHERE! I'm not afraid of them but they are very annoying and makes it hard for us to sleep peacefully. We have to turn music on to drown out their sound but my electric bill is already outrageous!

Any suggestions (other than a live animal to eat them!)? Thanks in advance!




  1. Besides the pond to attract frogs you can try to attract other critters that eat crickets.  You can put out toad houses to attract them, or birdfeeders to attract more birds.  Both of these eat crickets, as well as snakes.  I also agree, however, that I like crickets, they are considered lucky you know.

  2. Well... until you can get that pond built and your daughters okay with frogs hopping all over the  (who knows maybe you can have that conversation about kissing a lot of frogs before you find a prince...) anyway, I have a suggestion for you.

    Crickets are attracted to light at night - so...  Look at the lighting outside your house - is any unnecessary?  Once you eliminate what you feel comfortable with, swap out your remaining bulbs for those yellow bug bulbs.

    Perhaps this little adjustment will cause them to hop on over to a more attractive location and everyone will live happily ever after!

    Best Wishes...  

  3. Cayenne pepper

  4. Why Organic?Buy any outdoor granule with Sevin in it. This will also help keep your lawn pretty. By killing other pests aswell as the noisy crickets. I suppose a pond could work in the really long run. But a bag of granules cost about 12.99.A pond cost well probrably alot more.

    Godd Luck Froggy

  5. Put in a little pond, and in the spring, gather polywogs and place them in your pond.  They will mature into frogs, which will keep the balance of nature on your plot of ground.  You cannot get anymore organic than that!

    You might count your blessings.  How many people live in the city, that would LOVE to have problems like this?  Those with nothing but city noise, gunshots, sirens, fighting neighbors, crying babies.  How many of these poor souls would love to be kept awake by the chirping of crickets?

    I am fortunate to live on a ranch where I am sometimes awakened by howling coyotes.  Flocks of wild turkeys and coveys of quail wander about.  I thank God each and every day that I have the privilege of living with God's wonderful creatures.  It is their land.  I am happy that they will allow us to live here also.

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