
What is the best otc to get high on??

by  |  earlier

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dont answer if your gonna tell me i shouldn't be doing drugz..

Thanks for your answers in advance.




  1. best OTC (over the counter)? drug? i would probably say oxycontin or oxymorphine, either that or some pain medication.

  2. LSD

  3. Don't do drugs, get a life instead.  Also, learn to spell.

  4. Get some good pot...some places have better quality herb than others so if your states weed sucks I say road trip!

  5. There are none.  You know why?  Because some people decided that it would be fun to get high on certain medications, or worse, use them to manufacture meth.  

    In response, the FDA made the manufacturers remove those ingredients from their formula, or the manufacturers removed them voluntarily.  We now have to show our ID to the pharmacist in order to purchase something that we used to just pick up without a thought.

  6. cough medicine!

  7. you shouldnt be doing drugz..


  8. weed

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