
What is the best outfit for me to wear on my birthday, for a dinner in a nice restaurant?

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Shall i wear a grand dress in pink? Any other choices?




  1. wear what you are comfterble in and that you like

  2. a simple black dress always works and always looks nice...but if u want a pink dress then a get simple pink dress!!!!!!!

  3. your birthday sute


  4. well how nice is the restaurant? if it's a ritzy place or a club then go for the pink dress! if it's not so snazzy and a little on the casual side than i'd say soemthing you can take outdoors and indoors like a really dressy top with a simple skirt or pants and heels. either way you will look great on you b-day so dont' worry too much over what to wear. just have a great time! =)

  5. umm if ur not that much into dresses try maybe a a nice little black or* pink skirt (going for the little black dress theme here) and a blouse or spagetti strap or halter with a jean(denim) shrug

  6. The worst thing or fashion happening in Singapore is that people don't realised the climate here. Come on! wear something simple and comfortable, this will bring out your nature beauty with brains. Put up a sophisticated dress, thinking in a cold countries that look stupid!,agree?

  7. I did not like the idea grand dress in pink. It sounds like fashion disaster. Wear a white dress instead.... it is more elegant and pure. Happy Birthday!!!

  8. birthday suite :P

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