
What is the best paid job?

by  |  earlier

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I'm guessing probably Doctors or Lawyer!




  1. be a rapper

  2. Im a tattoo artist here in San francisco... i am quite happy with my source of income. one hour = 145.00 is the going rate... the average tattoo i do is about three hours long... 435.00, and i try to do this at least three or four times a day, ( somedays are better than others), Even better is when a tattoo convention is in town 10 hours of non stop work and i can walk away in a single weekend with about 3,000 dollars CASH!!  

  3. LOL.... There are many jobs out there that pay well. But they all take professional expertise.... Doctors, Lawyers, Agents, CEO's Bill Gates, lol..... There are many many profitable jobs other then those two categories.

  4. here is a website that is safe and easy to use. 6 dollars just for joining. you just look at a website they give you and then backspace and write a sentence about what you liked or did not like about it. easy and well worth the time.

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