
What is the best pain medicine for someone with 6 ruptered disks in their back?

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What is the best pain medicine for someone with 6 ruptered disks in their back?




  1. Where are the discs? You do not state if they are C, T, L, or S? Likewise I assume you had a MRI, in which case your Doctor should be giving you treatment and other options available. Best of Luck  

  2. Whatever works for that person.  It depends on how that person reacts to pain.  Some folks are great with a low dose narcotic, some need extremely high dose narcotics.  Usually the docs start low, and change things as needed to control pain.  The goal for most chronic pain sufferers is to control the pain enough to function as normally as possible.  As a chronic pain sufferer myself, my docs have prescribed three types of pain medication to help me through times of low, medium and high pain periods.  I have learned which ones work the best for which type of pain.

  3. well for someone with six injured disk i know it has to be pretty painful so i would say Lortab 10s or Percocet 10s.... have you been to the doc? i would ask about that....

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