
What is the best parenting advice you can think of?

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What do you think the most important thing you've learned since becoming a parent is? What advice do you give to new parents?




  1. You have to stick to what you say.  Mean what  you say and say what you mean!

  2. Enjoy every stage! Don't expect the worst because if you do, that's more than likely what you'll get. Pick your battles and don't sweat the small stuff. Really listen to them and remember you were young once too. Be consistent. Don't be afraid to apologize to your kids if you're wrong...yes, it does happen! And above all...make sure to tell your kids you love them each and every day!

  3. A big stick!!!

  4. be consistent. Teach kids how to make good choices for the right reasons. Don't focus so much on punishment because it's all the things you do as a parent when you are NOT punishing them, that is going to make the difference.

  5. I follow what my father told me when I was pregnant "Intimidate them while they're little". This doesn't mean to spank them, however, just to be sure that the child knows who is in charge.

    He only spanked me once in my life, and raised five daughters so I think he knew something about the subject. He was also very honest about us on how things were, and allowed us to make mistakes (as long as it wouldn't kill us or anyone else).

  6. i think its definitly enjoy them , they dont stay small for long , try stay calm try to learn with them every day is a learning curve, patience is a god send ,its one big roller coaster sit tight and enjoy the ride  

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