
What is the best part of texas to live in?

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What is the best part of texas to live in?




  1. Dallas if you have to pick Texas.

  2. Whatever part makes you happy!  It's all good.  

  3. This is a great site for learning all about Texas:

    I love this site.  It has everything you always wanted to know about Texas.  When you spot something you like or are interested in, then shoot us another question.  Happy hunting!

  4. I like East and Central Texas the Dallas area is alright.

  5. Dallas, without a doubt.

  6. Austin and the rest of central Texas!!!  So much to do, so many lakes and rivers!!

  7. New Braunfals, TX outside San Antonio

  8. dallas-ft. worth area

  9. Houston, San Antonio, New Braunfels, Austin, Dallas

  10. Depends on what you want and what you are looking for.

    Texas is bigger than France, so there is a lot of regional variation. Also different jobs are in different areas. Houston is different from El Paso, El Paso is different from Dallas, Dallas is different from Lubbock, and Austin is just plain weird.  You have deep thick forest, wide open prairie, desert, beach, and even some mountains.

    You have farmers, lawyers, oil rig operators, fishermen, high tech workers, engineers, geologists, oil tycoons, windmill builders, teachers, cops, cowboys and astronauts all calling the state home.

    So your best place might not be the same as my best place, or any other best place.  You can find a place in a city of millions of people, or a cabin where you are twenty miles from your nearest neighbor.

    If you want to know more about Texas you should probably pick up this book

    And when you ask the question, give us  little more data so we can direct you better.  

  11. Austin baby!

  12. HOUSTON!!!

  13. San Antonio

  14. El PASO!BABY!


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