
What is the best pasta to serve when meeting my girlfriend's parents for the first time?

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They are coming over and I want to make some pasta.

What's the best kind that will make a good first impression?

Should I make something else?

I do enjoy cooking.

I cook more often than my girlfriend and am going to school to be a chef this fall.




  1. Anything other than spaghetti, which is too messy - unless you want to have a good laugh over dinner :D

    My favourite is a big piping hot dish of macaroni cheese - au gratin you chefs call it! - Everyone loves it. (Of course you can use any other pasta, eg farfalle, but I find macaroni works best.) Make the sauce with good vintage cheddar, a dash of Worcester sauce or even soy, and a little mustard. When it's all cooked, spoon it into a rectangular ovenproof dish. Make breadcrumbs in the liquidiser (20 seconds - easy), sprinkle them over the top and bake for 10 minutes on high. Serve with a mixed salad and French dressing. Mmmmmmm!

  2. I always make chicken fettucine alfredo when I want to impress people.  I've got it memorized!  Here's how:

    You'll need: pasta, olive oil, heavy cream, 2 bags of grated parmasan, a stick of butter, fresh parsley, baby portabella mushrooms, broccoli, zuchini or squash, and chicken (I use the Tyson already prepared grilled chicken strips that come in the lunch meat refrigerator section of the grocery store).

    Get fettucine (or any shape pasta really) and start boiling the water for that.  Put the pasta in once the water boils :)

    While boiling water and then making pasta... get a pan and heat olive oil in it (about 1/4 inch deep, usually between low and medium heat).  The oil is ready when you drop a piece of veggie in and it starts to sizzle.  Toss in your brocolli first...saute for a few minutes (just toss it around in the pan a bit with a spatula).  Then, add the zuchini, then mushrooms and chicken.  Let it all saute for a while (about 10-15 minutes...don't let it get too soggy though...just turn down the heat if it does)

    Once you've got all of the toppings in a pan, start your sauce.  Get a sauce pan and put 2/3 cup of butter, 1 1/3 cup of cream, and 2 cups of parmassan cheese.  Turn the heat on LOW and stir until it's all mixed together.  Don't let it get too hot or start bubbling (if it does for a second, it's okay...just pick up the pot for a second).  Add chopped fresh parsley!

    If you do all of this in that should all be finished around the same time so you can plate it all.  Just put noodles on a plate, then your sauteed toppings, and then your sauce.  Add a sprig of your fresh parsley on top!

    Good luck -- if you have a question it's

    PS-- I'd get some ready made garlic bread from the grocery store bakery... just wrap it in aluminum foil and stick it in a 200 degree oven while you cook everything else.

    For dessert...get a Sara Lee pound cake in the freezer section and top with strawberries and cool whip -- easy easy!

  3. Linguine al fredo with shrimp, sea scallops, and lobster.  Serve with arugala salad, and garlic bread.

  4. Your best dish that you could make in your sleep and with one hand tied behind your back.  Now is not the time for experimenting.  :)  Also, stick with a pasta shape, not any long strings like spaghetti or linguini.  You don't want any awkward moments with the (possible) future in-laws with sauce dripping on their clothes!

  5. penne with sausage?

  6. Pasta is always a good thing. I think ravioli, or a tortellini. Use a white wine sauce or a pesto sauce. Or  a non-stuffed pasta served with stuffed chicken b*****s.

  7. ziti

  8. I think angle hair sounds good.

    With that I'd make a sauce this way:

    in a good processor,

    1 bag of spinach, 2 cloves of garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper and a couple basil leaves (or cilantro...flat leaf parsley...whatever you have, but just a small handful)

    olive oil, walnuts and parmesean cheese.

    whip this around til its blended and pour into warmed noodles with diced chicken.

    A soup starter or salad would be  nice. then a simple chocolate fudge cake for dessert.

    oh baby.... good luck!!

  9. Cool I love cooking, too!  =)

    If you want to make a good impression, you should make lasagna!  Pasta is a great choice, but if you're just now meeting her parents for the very first time, go with something kind of gourmet and something that will make them want to come to your house for dinner every night.  However, if you were to choose to go with pasta, go with the classic spaghetti and meat balls sprinkled with real parmesan cheese and sparkling water.  That would be beautiful and perfect for this occasion!  But whatever you choose to make, be sure to add something to make it different from anything they've had before... for spaghetti, it's all about the sauce.  Add dried herbs - which ever kind you like!  Cook whole wheat spaghetti so they'll know you cook healthy (which is also a great impression).  On second thought, make spaghetti instead of lasagna!  It's less work, and would be absolutely PERFECT!  Go to for any recipes of any kind!

    Have fun!!  :)

  10. i think pesto pasta would be really good and delicious. I make it all the time for my friends and they really enjoy it. you can get the recipe from like or just google it. =) good luck

  11. I think a good lasagna with a twist.  You could make a vodka sauce and ground veal or use fried eggplant.  

    Seafood pasta is always a pleaser too, maybe a creamy pesto sauce.  

    Or you could be fun and serve three different pastas and three different sauces to choose from.

  12. make your fanciest pasta dish u know but not spaghetti because that could get messy.

  13. Penne, because if eaten right, it's not messy at all!

  14. Cannelloni.  I made it with a white sauce & a red sauce & everyone loved it.  It was really good & also pretty.

  15. If you are a chef in training you have to go with gnocchi!! With a pesto sauce. If they like spicy do a stuffed gnocchi, with a cream tomato sauce.

    I have to admit that I like a "rotolo di pasta" if you hand make the pasta. Nice thing about this is, you can go all fancy and make three batches of pasta; spinach, tomato, herb, so you end up with a tri-colour roll.

  16. i think like italian sausage with green peppers and onions and penne past. i made it once and it was delicious!

    maybe you could serve like a ligth salad before with fresh bread =]

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