
What is the best path to teaching in higher education?

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I have just completed a BA, and I'm interested in pursuing teaching at university and college level (I would be teaching drawing and/or animation). What kind of teaching qualification(s) would I require for the university level and could I study them part time? Do I need an MA before considering this? I wasn't planning on one as I don't really have the finances to continue full time education right now.

I'm in the UK, if that needs clarifying. Any other advice/suggestions also welcome.

Thank you!




  1. I am on the second (and last!) year of the Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS), which I am studying part time. This leads me to the Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) which means I am qualifies to teach students from age 14 to higher and further education. It replaces the cert ed, I think. I had no teaching experience or teaching qualifications prior to starting this course, but you have to be able to teach at least 75 hours each year to undertake it.  I'm not sure how much the course costs, as my employer is paying for it for me.

    Hope that helps a bit

  2. I can't speak to the UK, but in the U.S., an MFA would be a minimum qualification, and at many universities, you would have trouble finding a position (unless you were a noted artist) without a Ph.D.

  3. You can study part time, it takes two years part time, one day a week. The other posters have given details of the courses, just one thing to add.

    The courses start the same but in the second part you can take

    a) a Diploma

    b) a professional graduate certificate in education

    c) a postgraduate certificate in education

    They all qualify you to teach but option c gives you some Masters credits if you want to g on to do an MA.

  4. In addition to working as a Full teacher in the sector for two years and being observed teaching throughout this time, you will study the following modules.

    Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector, acts as a basic, practical introduction to teaching in the lifelong learning sector.  You will be introduced to the roles and responsibilities of teachers in the sector, consider the issues of equality and diversity and be introduced to notions of reflective practice.  You will learn how to devise basis session plans, prepare resources, assess learning against a course requirement, provide support to learners and be made aware of key legislation and to evaluate their work.  You will also engage in an observed teaching session and/or in a microteaching session with your peers.

    Planning and Enabling Learning builds on the knowledge and skills developed in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) by considering further, inclusive teaching and learning strategies, the importance of negotiating appropriate learning goals and ways of developing reflective practice.  You will consider a range of initial assessment methods for example, interviews, icebreakers, diagnostic assessment, profiles and explore ways of negotiating individual goals with learners.  You will develop their skills in planning, delivering and evaluating inclusive teaching and learning programmes using feedback from learners and others to inform curriculum development.  You will analyse how new and emerging technologies can enhance the learning experience.  You will investigate communication methods and skills (for example verbal, written and non-verbal communication and transactional analysis) and their importance in teaching and learning.  You will further develop their ability to reflect in order to inform and improve personal and professional practice.

    Enabling Learning and Assessment aims to deepen your understanding of learning theories and how they relate to key principles of assessment, focussing on initial, formative and summative assessment practices in support of individual learners to improve their learning and progress.  You will investigate how to plan, devise and use assessment strategies that develop independent and peer learning.  In relation to your experiences of teaching and managing learning, you will consider a range of approaches to learning and assessment and apply them in practice.

    You will consider how to develop and support learners' self assessment and peer learning capabilities and will compare the demands of different levels and emphases in the National Qualifications Framework, for example different approaches to academic and vocational pathways and consider the desgin and application of appropriate assessment objectives.

    Theories and Principles for Planning and Enabling Learning aims to help you to develop your understanding and ability to draw on theories of learning and approaches to planning, communication and inclusive learning in order to support participants in providing an inclusive approach to their professional practice.  Thus, you will review your practice utilising theoretical perspectives on learning and taking account of statutory and organisational requirements.  Approaches that underpin effective planning, communication and inclusive learning will be explored and related to your own practice.

    Continuing Personal and Professional Development aims to support you as you engage in CPPD as a natural part of their work.  You will investigate key reflective models and processes (e.g. Brookfield, Schon) and apply these to your own development.  In particular, you will analyse your own role as a teacher in the lifelong learning sector and especially in the context of the wider organisation (e.g. prisons, adult, community, voluntary, private or public sector organisation).  This will lead to you evaluating the concept and principles of Continuous Personal and Professional Development (CPPD) and using this analysis to review and inform your future CPPD planning.

    Curriculum Development for Inclusive Practice aims to develop0 your capabilities in developing and evaluating courses.  You will analyse ways in which the curriculum offer and delivery might differ according to the learning context, taking into account such factors as target group, level of qualification, accessibility, work based learning and distance learning.  You will analyse theories, models and approaches to curriculum design and their potential influence on outcomes for individual learners and groups, and relate these to your courses and learners.

    You will analyse ways in which equality of opportunity and respect for diversity can be built into curriculum design and consider how to apply these in light of recent legislation.  You will analyse the impact of social, economic and cultural differences on teaching, learning and achievement, and explain ways to challenge discriminatory behaviours where they occur in the learning environment.  You will justify proposals to improve the curriculum offer in your area and evaluate effectiveness where these have been implemented.

    Wider Professional Pracice Development seeks to support you as you take on more of the roles and responsibilities associated with being a teacher in the lifelong learning sector.  You will explore concepts and key aspects of professionalism within the lifelong learning sector, including equality of opportunity, diversity, econimc growth and community regeneration.  This will lead you to consider approaches to quality assurance and quality improvement in terms of professional conduct and accountability.  In particular, you will investigate the use of ation research as a tool for evaluation and improvement of professional practice.  You will also evaluate the use of communities of practice in sharing and developing wider professional practice.

    You will also take an additional module each year in consultation with the college you are studying at. The cost of the qualification varies at which uni you choose but it will be roughly 6 to 8 hundred pounds per year whivh you need to get in touch with your local education authority who will guide you to claim the funding

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