
What is the best pet I can get?

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I've been thinking which pet I should get when I grow up, and I want to know which pet is the best, according to everybody's answers. I'm asking this question so early in my life because I want to do some serious research on the pet before I get it. I want to be an expert on the pet.

It can be anything from a dog to a rat. No fish, please. I want something I can hold, and not underwater =].

Also, suggest some websites I can go to about the pet and some good tips.




  1. a dog cause they r fun to play with, and there r many kid friendly breeds.

  2. I think dogs are great pets, they're intelligent, loyal and are good for you in terms of exercise and relaxation. You can teach them a lot which is always nice. A smaller dog would be ideal for holding and cuddling. You must have the time and energy to give them though, dogs don't like being alone for long periods of time.  


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  4. a chinchilla. they r soft. cuddly They literally bounce off walls sooooo much fun to watch. And play with. They live longer than most rodents. about 20 yrs.

  5. a ferret because they are so fun!

  6. No animal will love and respect you more than a good dog. They live a long time (usually more then 10 years) and are smart and tractable (easily trained). Get some good books on dog rearing and talk to dog owners. I suggest that you also visit shelters and volunteer to help by walking the dogs etc. This will give you valuable experience BEFORE you take on the responsibility of your own dog. Dogs that are rescued from a shelter tend to be grateful and more loving. At least that has been my experience.

  7. The best pet is a dog. But depending on the type of dog you want, there are different type of dogs that fit your life style. If you an active or not active person, where you live, your job. You can go to pet finder .com Or you can go to the pet stores they have many books on different breeds. You read about the breed that interests you and see if that breed fits your life style. For example: you can't get a jack russell if 1) you live in a small apartment and your never home. That type of breed is very hyper needs alot of excercise if not they'll get into trouble in your home. And a Chocolate Lab is the same way needs alot of attention. I study on all types of animals so I might be able to help you. But Dogs are a great companion as well as cats, but cats there alot more work and if you have health problems such as Asmtha I wouldn't get a cat because of the urine and f***s....Cat Urine is very toxic

  8. dogs-Pros- they will be loving and loyal and they live for usually about 10-20 years they are fun to play with.Cons- they need to go for walks every day, brushed everyday, fed,played with, given lots of attention, and you must clean up accidents.

    Cats. Pros-they are loving and soft and they are fun to have. Cons-they shed, must be brushed, they have to have their litter scooped everyday, they wake you up in the morning when you really don't want to.

    birds- Pros- they talk to you, they're good listeners, and you can hold them and train them to talk in real words. Cons-they need to be cleaned a lot (the cages) they can be noisy.

    Chinnchillas- Pros- they're soft and cuddly and fun to play and watch. Cons- they smell sometimes, they need lots of attention, they need quite a bit of room to play in.

    Rabbits- Pros- they're soft and cuddly, you can take them for walks, you can feed them veggies out of your hand. They're pretty easy to care for overall. Cons- clean cage every week, need to be cared for carfully and you don't want to mess up their routine.

  9. A chinchilla they are very nice and cuddly they are very good and fun  

  10. Depends on your personality. Some people love furry little oddballs like ferrets which are very very curious, hamsters that play with wheels and eat everything, and snakes which well,... I don't get. Personally I think pup's are the greatest pets ever. Dog's become like their owner, they always want to play with you or want you nearby, they do funny stuff for attention and can ride with you in the car or go wherever you'd like with them! Plus their good with company :)

  11. A cat. You dont have to walk them. you can leave them alone without worrying whether they will go in the house. they are very independent. they kill bugs. they are very cuddly

  12. a cat because its fury cute  

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