
What is the best phone service... and can you name them all...?

by  |  earlier

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My contract with verizon just ended. I am looking for a cheaper service.. or a good deal. Does anyone know any good deals? I only want a fair amount of text (about 350) and about 650 minutes (ballpark, round up if necessary). I prefer no contract... and dont suggest att's go phones, they are a rip off, i did the math.

Anyways... also, what are all the services, so far in my list I have









Please also tell me your experiences with each, as well as where you live, since I am in the so cal region.




  1. I left Verizon for AT&T and am happy, with the roll over minutes it ends up being unlimited since I never seem to go over anyways. Their data plan works pretty well and you can use so many different phones.  

  2. i would go with an ATT phone or Tmobile, i have Tmobile right now and it is pretty good, and its cheap!... just dont get the wing........ trust me..... but i would not suggest Virgin mobile at all, i had that phone at first and i would lose calls in my own home... virgin mobile is a joke, lol, good luck (P.S. ATT, Verizon, Tmobile [in that order] get the most service)

  3. I have researched this every time my contract starts coming to an end. I have found that Tmobile gives the best deals. One good example is that Tmobile data/internet is only $20 bucks a month. Verizon, At&t is $30. Thats one difference, then you have the monthy plans, Tmobile gives more minutes then Verizon & At&t and for less money!!

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