
What is the best pizza in the world? I am from Minnesota so lets hear it.Best restaurant, deliv, and store?

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I want to hear the best whether in Minnesota or not. I also want to hear your opinions on the different catergories. What is the best restaraunt, delivery, and store baughten pizza?




  1. I don't know about best in the world, but New York is known for their pizza(among many other things). Since you're in Minnesota, I hear that Chicago doesn't have bad pizza, either, since that would be a much shorter round trip for you.

  2. I hate these stupid purely SUBJECTIVE questions because they DON'T HAVE AN ANSWER... there is NO SUCH THING as the best pizza in the world... only people who have never lived outside the state they were born in would think there is an answer for this idiotic question

    As for the best Pizza I have ever eaten, there are 2 that are memorable, one was in West Berlin and the other was in Marsailles and neither was some fast food junk shop like Pizza hut or Pizza anything AmeriKan... both those places I mention were small, owner operated restaurants.

  3. I originally came from Chicagoland where pizza competition is fierce. They have the best pizza I`ve ever tasted in that area. I now live in Nashville TN where pizza`s not that great. Pizza Hut is about the best down here for the money. They act like cheese is made of gold and won`t let any extra fall on your pizza.

  4. Considering that the best pizza ia a matter of taste...I would say  Andoulouies  (? the spelling) in South Carolina

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