
What is the best place for a young adult male to take dance in NYC?

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I am moving to NYC in August and want to greatly improve my dancing skills there. Broadway Dance Center seems pretty good, but having grown up with a dancing mother, I was pretty much always the only guy in the class! NYC seems to have everything - is there a studio that is well-versed in training males, or has specific classes? Or at least classes that offer more "unisex" routines?

And, regardless, what is everyone's opinion on the Broadway Dance Center? I'll be taking classes somewhere regardless of whether they are guy friendly or not, but I'd like to know as much as possible. Thanks!




  1. Broadway Dance Center is good. Also try steps on broadway, peridance and alvin ailey.

    BDC cost the most out of all of them and it tends to be a bit crowded.  you can get just as good training at the other studios without all the hype and cost.

    they are all guy friendly and offer beginner to intermediate levels. you can also watch the classes be4 you take them.

    good luck!!

  2. sorry, neither care to dance or visit n.y.

    dance bores me.

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