
What is the best place in Dubai to take your first date who is from Perth

by Guest44782  |  9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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What is the best place in Dubai to take your first date who is from Perth. I have been living in Dubai for the last 8 years and have been lonely most of the time. I finally met this girl at Dubai Mall, she is beautiful, caring and makes me laugh. Although we have been talking on whatsapp for a good few weeks, i finally found enough courage to ask her out.

Guess what?

She said yes.

I didn't think she was going to say yes but she did. Now i have no clue what to do?

She is 5.6 drop dead gorgeous, way out of my league kind of girl
she is from perth australia and recently moved to Dubai

If anyone can help me with this, it will go a long way.

Really really nervous.

 Tags: date, Dubai, Perth


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