1. I am 30 years male from India, currently unmarried, but going to married soon( jan 2007)
2. I am a vegetarian and can occasionally take eggs and egg products.
3. My sleeping time is 09:30 pm in the night and getting up time is 4:00 am in the morning.
So I am not used to late night outs, and sounds and music and late night parties that will disturb my sleep.
4. I am used to jogging and running for my fitness and for that I will prefer some park, or jogging area, forest area, beach area (any area that is green, quite, fresh, may be forest type, hilly, or may be beach type for jogging purpose)
5.Economical I am a student you know!!
6. Currently I am single and wife will be only coming to live with me in Jan 2008.
7. If possible I will prefer to have single accommodation and if at all sharing accommodation with few as possible.
8. I will like to do my cooking ocassionally.
9. I dont smoke or take alcohol.
I will meditate Vipassana meditation daily www.dhamma.org