
What is the best place to get an iced coffee???

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What is the best place to get an iced coffee???




  1. starbucks all the way... frapachinos are amazingg =]

  2. Dunkin Donuts... by far!!!!!

    French Vanilla Ice

    x cream

    x sugar

    not a lot of ice please


  3. Starbucks or your local coffee shop that specializes in coffee.  McD's and Dunkin Donuts are way too sweet and their coffees make me sick to my stomach and I never get sick on coffee I get from Starbucks or my local shop or that I make at home so it must have something to do with their lack of proper cleaning of the equipment.


  4. urm ever heard of a shop :)

  5. Either Starbucks or Peet's Coffee. I love them! At Starbucks, they're about 4.50 for the biggest size, but I'm not sure how much it is at Peet's Coffee.

  6. i guess it depends what kind it is.  I went to a Border's bookstore that served Seattle's Best.  The iced coffee was a light blend and really good!   But I've also had Dunkin Donuts and theirs was good at well.

  7. Starbucks has great iced coffee.  Local coffee shops are great for iced coffee too.

  8. Starbucks.

    They Have The Best

    Costa Coffee Is Ok

    But Cant Beat Starbucks

  9. *star*bucks* baby

  10. Starbuck's or dunkin donuts..=)

  11. i dont get it. Starbucks is overrated, overpriced, and tastes burnt.. not to mention they always have long lines.

    I think the best coffee you'll get is at those mom and pop places, but if your in southern california, Coffee Bean is quite good for a coffee house chain.

    Have you tried Vietnamese-Style coffee? if you like super strong coffee, its a great option for you.

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