
What is the best pocket pet?

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I dont want one that bites people. And, I have 2 other dogs so I dont want it to get eaten




  1. mouse

  2. rats are amazing pets, i highly recommend them, i have 2 and would have millions if i could lol they are extremely cute, loving and very rarely bite.

  3. Rats.

    My favorite favorite rodent. I have 2 boys right now, and I'm getting 3 more quite soon. I love the critters. They rarely bite (one NEVER bites, the other only "test" bites, which does not hurt) they LOVE being with you, they're smart & loyal and adorable. So fun to watch when you've got toys or mazes. They're clever little buggers. I've owned & worked with hamsters, chins, guinea pigs, mice, hamsters, gerbils.. and rats. Rats win every time! :]

  4. i always will suggest a rat... ALWAYS if you ever want a small pet i think rats are the best. they are smart and clean and they don't smell as bad as the other small pets.. ( although they will start to smell of you don't keep the cage clean) they are sweet and love people most the time, they are very social and adorable too. her is a helpful website that will tell you all about them. i suggest you read it all if you want to get a rat... oh and i don't know about pocket pet... but they will learn to stay on your shoulder and that is nice.

  5. RATS!!!!



    trust me they rock!

    info from site:

    Rats are highly intelligent, social animals, and although they enjoy the companionship of humans, they thrive in - and need - the company of their own species. Although they will usually survive if kept as single pets, pet care is not just a matter of keeping animals alive; rats will have happier and more interesting lives when kept with other rats. Rats should never live alone, and ideally should be kept in groups of two or more of the same s*x. It is unfair to deprive any social animal of the company of its own species. Rats enjoy grooming each other, curling up to sleep together, and sometimes even fighting. It is usual for rats to scrap occasionally, especially when they are 'teenagers' between 3 and 6 months old; do not worry about this unless you see serious injuries, as the rats are just establishing a pecking order.

  6. i don't think that there is any pocket pet that a dog wont eat unless you train your dog.

    you can get a Guinea pig, hamster, rat, gerbil

    those are great!!! i love them

  7. =)well iv got rocks HAVE A rock there sweet and such

  8. What is a Pocket Pet?

  9. hmmm... my friend had a chinchilla which sat in her hood as she walked around town. It was adorable! And it only ever bit someone when she was getting bullied by these boys and the chinchilla bit him to protect her. It loved her that much!

    Oh, and it's big aswell, soi doubt you doggies will eat it!

  10. male hamsters, if trained properly, rarely bite, and they can learn to be very luving, and as long as u keep the cage on a dresser or table and dont let your other pets in the same room when u play with it, then it should be fine. also if u do get a hamster ball for it, then let it roll around in an iscolated place where your other pets cant get him. buy a hamster care book from the pet store, and try to adopt from an animal rescue center like the aspca!!

    good luck!!!

  11. u should get a hamster they are cute ad great pets. if the dog eats it just throw it out the window thats what i did!!

  12. a Rabbit

    a bird

    a hamster

    a gerbil

    a sugar glider

    a d**o

    a guiniea pig

    a chinchilla

    a salamander

    a spider

    a terrier

    a kitten

    a snake (small)

    a lizard

  13. 20000 pesos

  14. a frog

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