
What is the best political party for saving the environment?

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What is the best political party for saving the environment?




  1. the Green Party is the most consistent as they include an environmental clause in their 10 key Values which is the basis of their platform and party members have consistently and actively pursued campaigns for the environment.

    "Human societies must operate with the understanding that we are part of nature, not separate from nature.  We must maintain an ecological balance and live within the ecological and resource limits of our communities and our planet. We support a sustainable society which utilizes resources in such a way that future generations will benefit and not suffer from the practices of our generation. To this end we must practice agriculture which replenishes the soil; move to an energy efficient economy; and live in ways that respect the integrity of natural systems." 10 Key Values of the Green Party, #3

    given that both the Democratic party and the Republican party are beholden to corporations which don't have the interest of saving the environment in mind, there is really not much of a difference. but Republicans are the worst as they are the most willing to sacrifice the environment for the sake of the market. just click on the links below.

  2. Democrats!!


  3. The Green Party?

  4. None of the above! It is merely a vocal tool they use to get votes! ;-(=

  5. Democratic Party

  6. none, they may say the do,  but they just want to take your vote.  Just focous on your own community by volenteering and having others clean up their act.  Don't leave the next gernerations fate in some fat rich guys hands.

  7. obama no, actually neither

  8. Of the two big ones in the US, I would say Democrat (Al Gores' party).  Of smaller ones, I suppose "Green".

  9. Democrats are the ones that are most likely to focus on conservation and environmental issues.

  10. For the environment I would have to say Repblican, but Demacritcs want to save the econimy.

  11. Green party.   I'm a member but I usually vote for the Democrats because they tend to have similar views to my party although they have a loooong way to go.  I usually vote Democrat because if I vote for the Green Party candidate, I feel like I'm just throwing my vote out.  It's a dilemma

  12. contact AL GORE

  13. Ralph Nadars party

  14. It sure is h**l ain't the Democrats!

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