
What is the best potty?

by  |  earlier

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I want one that is all singing and dancing for my daughter, any suggestions?




  1. we got this for my daughter and she really loved it!

    although if you are looking for a potty that sings when she pees, i wouldnt get that, only b/c it made my daughter terrified to go on it, what i did was go to and print out the potty chair chart and everytime she would try to go she got a sticker and if she actually went she would get an m&m or some type of candy!!

    good luck

  2. Honestly, I would just use the regular toilet.  With my first, we bought the potty that sang when he went, and until he was four-he HAD to have that potty to use the potty.  So, when we went places he'd just do it in his pants.  So, with out second we used the big potty.  Yeah, it was harder for a while, we had to help hold him up when he was just starting to train, but he is okay to use the potty anywhere we go now.  They make the seats that go onto the big potty, that would make the transition easier to.

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