
What is the best potty seat?

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My son just turned two and we're going to start potty training. I am going to shop for a potty chair or toilet insert this weekend. Can you please share your success stories with your potty? I'd like to know the advantages of each, the stand alone potty or the mini toilet seat that fits on the big toilet?




  1. We used a very simple stand alone seat from walmart for our daughter.  Her pediatrician recommended getting a stand alone so that her feet were on the ground.  Now that she is totally potty trained, we're getting a "family seat" from the One Step Ahead catalog and a step stool to reach.  She loves to use the "big potty" when we're out and about and we're tired of dumping the little potty!  Glad that she learned on the stand alone, but good to move on.  Her preschool has the family seat and all the kids manage just fine.  Good luck!

  2. i suggest the stand alone potty till your son can aim

    also let him pick the potty and some pull ups

    can he say potty if not then he's not ready anyway

    my daughter has a speech delay and because of it we didnt get her trained till 3.5 cause we couldnt understand what she was saying

  3. you try the mini toilet seat that fits on the big toilet,i try that w/ my 2 yrs old and it works .the advantage w/ the mini toilet seat you dont have to wash everytime they used it

  4. Dont get one with to many belles and whistles.. it becomes a toy then. this is one i used, and my friend has it with boys.. she says the splash guard is great! only thing it dose is play music when moister hits it

  5. I reccommend the seat that fits on the big potty, for a few reasons, its more sanitary, its more relastic, and they get a better since of what it's like to use the big potty. in addition, they learn how to lift the seat, ect, ect. my nefew is two and his grandma used this kinda of seat to potty train him, and she is a professional day care teacher, i just feel that they work best, and it gives a more relastic expierence, which i feel makes the transition eaiser

  6. I'd say the stand alone one.

    because they are usually short so than it could be theres.

    and they could get on it whenever they need to go.

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