
What is the best product to fix a leaky roof? without building new one.?

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this roof is made of gi sheets




  1. It depends upon what type of roof you have.

    Assuming you have the traditional shingles,

    you would have to do the following. First, be sure you know where the leak is coming from.(Water travels!) Remove the old shingles(assuming there is one layer). If the wood is not soft, cut a piece of tarpaper to go over the wood. Next you need to replace the shingles with newer ones. You will need to slide them under the older ones

    but before you do, put some roof tar on the underside. Nail down the new shingles at the top. This is only a temporary fix. If the area that needs re-roofing is fairly large, consider having one side of the roof done


  2. That is impossible to answer without more info. What kind of metal roof is it? Standing seam? s***w down? Where is it leaking? Everywhere? Around a vent or chimney? What is the pitch? For most leaks, there is no "product" that can substitute for experience.

  3. Galvanized sheets may be patched and painted. You'll have to cut a piece of galvanized steel to cover any holes you can see and then solder the patches into place with a soldering iron.  After the big holes are sealed, get some metal roofing paint which will fill in and seal small pits.

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