
What is the best programming language to learn first?

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I'm currently learning a bit of c + + with a "c + + for dummies" book. I'll admit it's pretty hard to follow, and I was wondering if I should switch to a different language that might be a little simpler to understand. Any thoughts?




  1. There isnt really a begginers or best language to start learning its more about what you want to do or what the industry is doing at the time:

    If you want to learn web languages for instance then you want things like html, and j#

    If you want to learn windows programming then something like c++ c# or is the way to go.

    If you want to script then maybe vbscript, powershell or perl is your thing.

    Dont get drawn in by the word basic in visual basic, vbscript vba etc by the way it doesnt refer to complexity, it dates way back to an easier method of writing code than any alternatve at the time its no easier or complex than any other language.

    If you have started reading up on the c++, that's great because that is heavily used by windows (winforms) developers out there in the real world.  Be aware though that the industry is slowing moving towards the .net c# which is a c++ equivilant but in .net terms so no huge leap there for you would stand you good ground.  However its difficult to port large amounts of code from c++ to c# so some apps may never get rewritten or may take a long time to completely move over so c++ will be here for a very long time.  Even microsoft recognise this fact because they offer all of their .net visual studio applications as free express versions for educational and small business purposes (which are very good btw) but the c++ version had to make the line up too for this reason.

  2. If you're having problems with C++, perhaps you should try C instead.  Although they are different languages, many of the things you will learn can be applied to C++ as well.

    Either that, or you could try INTERCAL.  :-)


  4. No.  Don't switch.  Learn C++ so that you can really dig into hardcore coding.  Press on, and when you think you've had enough, press on further.

  5. I'd recommend:





    Visual Basic




    Learning to program is like learning Chinese... it's really tough to do on your own.  If you really, really work hard at it, you'll understand some of the written word but your accent will be incorrect and so will your grammar.  You'll get lost in the different accents and slang in the real world.  It's exactly the same with programming.  Get into a good college and work with others.  This will teach you the "slang" and "grammar" of programming.

    Good luck

  6. Start with HTML. I know that it isn't a real programming language but it will teach you some important things when you come to real programming. Then try incorporating some vbscript and javascript into your HTML files and you'll find yourself programming and scripting  in no time.

  7. When I taught programming, the first actual course for programming was BASIC.  It's very easy to learn and understand and stands for Beginner's All Purpose Instruction Code.

    It's a good place to begin.  From there you can go into the more difficult languages.  You may also want to look at C, rather than C++.  C is procedural, C++, Java, and so on are Object Oriented languages.

    If you'd like to give BASIC a try, you can download a free copy from:

    It's free to use until you start writing large programs, then you can pay a license fee of $25USD or so.

    Good luck!

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