
What is the best property on the monoply boared?

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What is the best property on the monoply boared?




  1. Park place and boardwalk together with a hotel on both. all the railroads and utilities. and all of the dark green properties. if you hold the last leg of the board then you have the most expensive properties to land on if you're the other players. especially if they all have hotels on them. eventually they have to start trading in their other assets to pay the rent.

  2. park place and boardwalk suck cause no one lands on them. how about the green ones they rock everyone lands on them and you get soooo much money

  3. There really are no best properties because each game is so different from the next.  It's a game of luck, one game everybody could be landing on the yellows, and another they could be skipping over you every turn.  my best advice is to try to get a whole side together, monopolize one side of the board, that way you can't go wrong...

  4. "Best property" is a relative notion, but by the numbers some spaces should be better than others.  The luck of the game may change that, but....

    The most landed on property, by probability, is Illinois Avenue, second most is B&O Railroad, and the third most is New York Avenue (which also gives the best return for a hotel).  The most landed on properties in general are the ones between the Jail and Go To Jail space based on the jump back to the Jail spot that will occur (hence making the Orange and Red sets prime real estate).

    There's no guarantees in Monopoly because each game plays out differently, but given a choice game after game, statistically it's a good bet to go for Orange and Red.

  5. a tactic is too buy all the yellow series and the train just before the firs yellow one, once an enemy comes, he either pays you or go to jail....

  6. I personally like getting Balitc and Mediteranian. The reason is it is easy to build Hotels on them (cheap), and you would be amazed how many time people will land on those two.

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