
What is the best quality to lawn buy?

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We are having our garden done and will be buying roll turf and just wondered what the best quality one is to buy? Any ideas?




  1. Most roll are the general purpose type.They are reasonably hard wearing,yet looks good.Do not get a specialist type lawn as they require perfect conditions and a lot of care.

    My favourite lawn is called ROLAWN turf.When buying turf,ring the turf company direct,they will deliver and it's much cheaper than buying through a garden company.

  2. Wow, it depends on everything: where you live, what your climate is, how you use your lawn (kids? pets?), how you will maintain your lawn (hand mower, lawn service, chemicals, manicure...), kind of soil on which grass will be laid (clay, loam, rocky, porous), etc.

    I feel you'd be better off speaking to an agricultural agent in your area than asking here. When the sod is laid, be sure to water it a lot!

  3. You need to provide some more information about where you live, how much you want to water and how often you're willing to mow your grass.

  4. A turf containing Rye grass varieties will give you the most hard-wearing lawn, though it will not be quite as fine leaved generally as a Rye-free mix.  The finer lawn varieties are not so good for areas where there is alot of playing or just tons of walking over etc, they also tend to be a little more expensive.

    If you have a really dark mostly shaded area you could also consider putting a turf that's got grass varieties that are good in shade, otherwise you may find that the lawn gets thinner, and is more prone to weed and moss infestation.  Whatever you pick, it will blend in within a few months, and won't look odd if you get a couple of types knitted in to each other.

    Good preparation of the soil is key to getting a long term lawn that looks great, so ensure whoever is doing this for you includes this.  Afterwards water it each day, at least for the first couple of weeks, to allow the roots to grow as profusely as possible.

    Feed this autumn with a special autumn lawn feed, which encourages root growth and not leaf growth - there will be sufficient nitrogen in the soil to allow for the minimum leaf growth over winter that will be made.  The autumn fertiliser is the most important of the year, in my opinion, as the better the root system that you have, the greater the lawn is able to withstand summer drought etc.  A bigger root system is also able to make good growth, and cover patchy areas more easily, due to its inherent strength.  Places like Wilkinsons, in the UK, sell such autumn feeds, they have a liquid dilutable version, otherwise shop around at nurseries etc.

    Hope this helps.  Good luck!  Rob

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