
What is the best/quickest way to save blogs and other writings :) ?

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No one seems to know what (and when) will hapen to 360...

Thank you for your help! :)

Happy New Year! :)




  1. cut and paste.

    cut and paste.

    cut and paste.

    360s are rapidly breaking down.  pages load slower, pieces of some users are gone or missing parts... could yours be next?  safe and best to cut and paste your writings, then you can...

    *e-mail them to yourself.

    *multiply uploaded all of my 360 blogs (without comments), but it took a while.

    *save them to the word pad on your computer, or your myspace blog page.

    *print them for all posterity!

  2. Copy blogs to notebook

  3. I write and save my blogs on Microsoft Word then cut and paste them to my 360.  It's easier that way.

  4. I use WordPad. It's quick and easy. And what Tash said. She is smarter than I look, LOL

  5. What I did was this: Go through your 360 blog or comment pages one by one and on each page, click File (top right hand corner of your browser window), then Save Page. This saves it to your computer. I'm going to burn my to a disk.

    It's doesn't take too long to do. (((((Moon))))) Happy New Year!

    PS. On their blog, the 360 team says we won't lose any of the stuff on our 360 pages and that it will go to our new profiles...I hope they are right!!

  6. Sometimes the quickest way is not the best way. For tips on backing up see the following links:


    As for when and what will happen to 360, please see the Y!360 for the latest accurate information at . Y!360 is transitioning into a different social networking platform in early 2008 (which could mean anytime from January to March 2008 in my opinion). Yahoo is trying to centralize its profiling services - Y!Mash, Y!360, and the regular Members profile - into one.

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