
What is the best quote or saying you have ever heard...?

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... and where did you hear it?










  2. carpe diem  - seize the day - from my grandad

  3. "It's better to have a free-bottle-in-front-of-me than a pre-frontal-lobotomy" - Tom Waits.

  4. "It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"

    No idea who said it. Probably Wilde.

  5. The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph

    Is For Good Men To Do Nothing.

    - Edmund Burke

    I first saw this quote on a movie...I think it was Tears of the Sun. It's stuck with me ever since...

  6. "What goes around comes around".because i believe its so true.

  7. 'Why do It yourself when somebody else can.'

    It's a personal motto.

  8. There are two I really like:

    "The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for whites, or women for men." - Alice Walker

    "Pragmatic self-interest alone should teach us that we must change, before nature exacts inevitable revenge" - David Watson

  9. "Oh what a tangled web we weave when we set out to deceive"

    My grandma said it all the time.

  10. Suicide is man's way of telling God, "You can't fire me - I quit. - It's Genuis XD

  11. "It's just like putting lipstick on a pig"

    A friend describing Kelly Osbourne trying to look attractive.

  12. Poster on state store door:

    "If you're under 21 and you try to buy alcohol, we'll do worse than tell your mother."

  13. "hes my mother my brother my father my sister hes me hes you hes all of us"

    from count of monty cristo and v for venddetta


    "a closed mouth gathers no foot"

    im not quite sure who said that but my teachers tell me that all the time

  14. "It is more noble to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt" - Abraham Lincoln.

  15. "If you can keep your head when all around are losing theirs - you probably havent grasped the seriousness of the situation."

    haha lol love it!

  16. So many!

    Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog, it's usually too dark to read - Groucho Marx

    If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do - Angel (season 4)

    So tell me, Admiral Fred, what made you join the army?

    An armed escort and two military policemen - Spike Milligan

    When life gives you lemons, put a few in a vodka tonic - John Barrowman

    and finally (I forget where I read this)

    If you think you're too small to make a difference, try sharing your bedroom with a mosquito.

  17. life is like a p+nis, when it gets hard, f+ck it

  18. Its mind over matter

    i dont mind and you dont matter

    haha i think thats histerical some dude has in on her my space page x

  19. you are what you is= frank zappa

  20. "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance."

    Union Army General John Sedgewick, immediately prior to being fatally wounded.

  21. On a t-shirt...

    "I'm a bomb disposal officer.  If you see me running, try to keep up".

  22. There's surely only one.

    Spike Milligan

    Spike Milligan's last laugh - I told you I was ill

    Even in death Irish comic genius Spike Milligan managed to have the last laugh.

    Two years after his death at his home in Sussex, England, the creator of "The Goon Show" has finally got the epitaph he wanted.

    A headstone bearing the words "I told you I was ill" has been erected above his grave at St. Thomas's Church in Winchelsea, East Sussex.

    Sadly for more than two years after his death at the age of 83, the funny man's grave had no gravestone, and was marked only with flowers and a small statue.

    Problems arose after his family had been unable to agree on a headstone.

    Now his epitaph has finally been added to a Celtic cross above his grave. The monument carries the inscription in Gaelic - Milligan was an Irish citizen, though he was born in India and lived most of his life in England.

    The Irish text his family finally settled on - "Duirt me leat go raibh me breoite" or "I told you I was ill" - got the approval of the Chichester Diocese.

    Bill Horsman, chairman of the Goon Show Preservation Society, welcomed the news of the headstone going up as "marvellous". He admitted they had been very concerned for some time about the situation.

    He said it was sad to see that the grave was in such a state, but there were very sensitive family problems involved and they simply could not get involved.

    Dubbed the "godfather of alternative comedy" by Eddie Izzard, the gifted comedian suffered bipolar disorder - or manic depression - all his life. He once tried to kill Peter Sellers, but they remained friends despite this.

    Regarded as the father of British comedy, he devised and wrote the famous "Goon Show" for BBC radio in which he starred with Peter Sellers and Harry Secombe in the 1950s. Its anarchic and often surreal humor inspired later television shows like "Monty Python's Flying Circus."

    One of Spike's most noted fans was The Prince of Wales. Even he wasn't spared his irreverent wit and Milligan caused a stir when he called him a "little grovelling b*****d" on television in 1994.

    Spike later sent a fax to the prince, saying "I suppose a knighthood is out of the question now?" Spike was finally awarded his knighthood in 2000 - it was an honorary one because of his Irish citizenship.

    Among the books he wrote were: "Puckoon," "Silly Verse for Kids," "Adolf Hitler: My Part in his Downfall" and "Depression and How to Survive It" (with Professor Anthony Clare).

    Milligan Quotations:

    "When I look back, the fondest memory I have is not really of the Goons. It is of a girl called Julia with enormous b*****s."

    "I can't see the sense in it [his honorary CBE] really. It makes me a Commander of the British Empire. They might as well make me a Commander of Milton Keynes - at least that exists."

    "I have the body of an eighteen year old. I keep it in the fridge."

    "Money couldn't buy friends, but you got a better class of enemy."

    "My Father had a profound influence on me, he was a lunatic."

    "It's the nature of who you are. You will see sunsets in a special way, you will see life in a special way. The Milligans are like Arab racehorses. We'll kick the stable to pieces, but we'll always win the race [on his bouts of depression]"

  23. Never, ever, bloody anything ever.

  24. "Anyone who has never failed, has never tried anything new".

    -Albert Einstein.

    "An accident implies there is no one to blame"

  25. "Spike Milligan's dead".

    The BBC.

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