
What is the best rat cage for 1 rat on the petsmart or petco site?

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please post the link in your answer and tell me why its the best

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and i do pick best answers!!!




  1. Rats should never be kept alone they are far too social. Please get two rats of the same s*x.

    I have a write up on rat cages here:

  2. You should get the biggest one you can afford. Rats need a lot of space and companionship. Consider getting another rat of the same s*x.

    This one is the absolute best:

    Also good:

    None of the others are big enough.

  3. You should get two rats, but if you only get one make sure you play with it a lot and it's out of it's cage most of the time, since rats are very social creatures.

    Here's some good cages for 1 rat:

    ^ This one is the best from petsmart because it's affordable, comes with a large wheel, and has 3 levels.  It also comes with a  food bowl and looks like a sturdy cage. Your rat has plenty of room in this one and would be VERY happy!

    Another one from petsmart is this one, if you really wanna spoil your rat :D  :

    ^ This would make your rat REALLY happy!!!!!!! It's big, too so if you decide to get another, it would still work.  Definitely the only suitable rat cage from petco.

    Good luck and please take consideration into getting 2 rats!

  4. Petco:


    I personally like the second one better.

  5. well this is the one i have for my 1 pet rat and she loves it! rats needs lots of room to move around and to play

  6. The more levels the better. I'd get the three level wired one personally.

    Put bedding and a hidey hole on the first level...

    Food and playwheel on the second...

    and a tied down egg carton on the third for him/her to perch and perhaps get treats...

    Whatever you do, dont get a habitrail/crittertrail tube contraption. They make look fun, but they are terrible rodent homes. They get dirty easily, are hard to clean, made of cheap (and dangerous) plastic, easily escapable, stuffy and generally uncomfortable for your lil buddy.

    Fish tanks aren't terrible to use (at least they're safe and easier to clean), but I think rats and hamsters are much happier in the more open, more stimulating multi-level wire cages.

    Just make sure to keep him occupied with toys (rig them up to the sides of the cages if need be) and play with him alot. Bored rodents will end up chewing on the wire unless you show em some love once in awhile.

    Good luck!

    Edit: Sara J has picked a good one... I can see that being a good home for a rat... or any other small rodent. Mine is a bit different, more tall than wide... but either or is cool.

    And hamish has picked some great ones as well!

    Remember... space is key here.

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