
What is the best remedy to get rid of hot flashes?

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What is the best remedy to get rid of hot flashes?




  1. One of the hardest lessons was learning that symptoms of menopause are pretty much part of American culture, not part of peri-meno or menopause. The reason is not only the stress that women are under, but lifestyle and dietary influences. Nutritionally, alcohol is a strong contributor. More often, though, women who struggle with severe hot flashes have unresolved relationship stress. Anything that adds "heat" (sugar, anger, alcohol) contributes. If you are able to see a homeopath, that's the best solution. We treat a person according to her constitution. So, a homeopath sits with you for an hour or two and explores your unique hot flashes (they do vary), sleep patterns, food aversions, preferences and aggravations, weather sensitivity, personality, past health history, genetic history, etc. A remedy is chosen for you alone that stimulates your healing, restores deep equilibrium, and resolves hot flashes - as well as other symptoms to which we often become accustomed.

  2. rub progesterine cream n your scalp and abdomen.Its made from yams and you can buy it at the health food store.

  3. You can use the essential oil Clary Sage for hot flushes. It can be used in many ways eg: a few drops added to the bath, blended with a carrier oil for massage or just generally inhaled from a tissue. Why not consider visiting an Aromatherapy Practitioner for advice...One word of advice though...don't you Clary Sage if you've been drinking as it can cause very dramatic and colourful dreams/nightmares!!

  4. I'm going to star this question and check back for answers!  Right now, I'm looking at moving from Texas to Antarctica.

  5. Hi, my mom has been using the progesterone that I have in the first below link for at least ten years now. She is 52 now and has never had a hot flash in her entire life, does not suffer the results of PMS. She swears by the stuff. Try it out, it might do you wonders. I have used it during my cycle and it has stopped cramping for me as well. The next link is just some info about natural progesterone. Hope this helps!

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