
What is the best retaliation against horrid neighbors?

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I am not taking their c**p anymore. There ignorance and stupidity is causing me unhealthy anger. I feel like the only way I will be able to let go of it now is if I achieve some sort of revenge. I don't want to do anything illegal or harmful. I just want to do something to that will send a message that I am not going to take their bull**** anymore. Note that all I want is peace but I guess my neighbors are complete idiots. Does anyone have a healthy solution? Thanks.




  1. Idiots can be clever and they might be doing some stuff just to get you sell your place and move. What you can do to get back at them has to do with what they are doing to you. The best way would be to make them think that they cannot win. Find a field that is above their knowledge and abilities and work on that. If they are some smart academics. then give up and move out and away.

  2. Can you say what it is they're doing to make it so hard to be their neighbor?  There are many unneighborly things that you can stop by involving the police.  It also might help me (and others) to think of better answers to your question.

  3. I don't think you mentioned whether or not you approached these kids' parents about the problem.

    I know I had trouble with some really awful little brats when my late husband and I lived in Las Vegas.  We tried to talk to their single mother, but she maintained that her little angels would never do anything bad.

    We moved out.

    Clearly, the roots you have sunk in your neighborhood go much deeper than that, though.

    I would suggest literally catching them in the act - on video!

    Then, start by showing it to their parents (so the parents cannot deny - even to themselves - what their kids are doing) and if that does not end the problem, see if your city has any provisions for dealing with neighborhood nuissance problems.  Some cities have special divisions of their local court systems for situations like this.

    In any case, the most IMPORTANT thing to do is document the evidence!!!  Then you can check with your local legal community as to what use you can make of it.

    If it comes to a lawsuit, then you'll HAVE all the evidence to support your side.

    I know the desire for revenge can be extremely strong, but you will stand a better chance, legally, if you KEEP the wrongs on THEIR side.  Look at each new insult and attack that you document from them as another piece of evidence in the case that you are building against them - another piece of ammunition to fire back at them in court, or another foot of the rope they are unknowingly hanging themselves with.

  4. Be nice to them.  Smile and greet them kindly.  You won't feel good about yourself if you sink to their level, will you?  You can be better than that.

  5. I concur.  Be nice to them.  It'll mess up their heads.

  6. What have they done to you that is so terrible?  If they have a disgusting yard or something call the township and complain or something like that.

  7. Befriend them.  Go out of your way to let them know you care about them as people.  Pray for them.

    If they are breaking the law, report it.  If not, consider moving.  I sympathize, having been in this situation before.  But "love your enemies" is the way to go (not love in the way the we "love" Iraq by blowing their country to bits).  A wiser man than I felt that was the answer.  I'll go with his advice.

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