
What is the best ride in Disneyland?

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What is the best ride in Disneyland?




  1. I have to agree that it's Splash Mountain! It's so happy and cute and you just can't go on that ride and not enjoy it. Space Mountain is great too but it's a totally different kind of ride. If you want thrills, that's your ride. If you want cute and happy with some excitement, I say Splash Mountain! :o)

  2. I have to go with Space Mountain too.  If I was a millionaire, I would consider having it built in my backyard.  

  3. Space mountain!!!!!!! A classic

  4. ummmm. tea cup?

  5. Well, there are many great rides at the Disneyland Resort, but I enjoy the Matterhorn! It is a fantastic ride, and it's always a magical feeling, for me, when you get on the ride.

  6. tea cups = happy and cute fun lil ride(like the its a small world ride)

    space mountain = really fast and fun but you have to wait in like for like an HOUR!

    matterhorn= reallyy fun loonng time waiting in line!!!

    splash mountain= my favorite!!!!!!!!!!! that ride is perfect!!!!

  7. Space Mountain or Matterhorn

  8. Indiana Jones definatly

  9. I think the best ride is Indiana Jones

  10. Splash Mountain.  for me that is because u ride in this Bark boat and go like hundred metters high and a free fall , and there is a camera to take a picture of you scared off h**l by the fall. :D

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