
What is the best road route from England to India?

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This is a fund-raising venture - but we obviously have safety concerns.




  1. ahh.. the old hippie trail :D

    the original route was across Europe, through Turkey, Iraq, Iran... it's certainly the quickest way and there are many beautiful things to see...

    it would be extremely dangerous now, unless you knew the culture, language and exactly what you were doing.

    but the alternative is to up through Russia and down through China.. good luck getting a visa!!

    It is dangerous, but if you're determined... just make sure you find out everything y can about the countries you will go through first. If you're female, don't go alone. Get a guide where possible. Dress in ways which are culturally correct. Keep out of people's way.

  2. hahaha i agree you should design a bridge and f#go across it that way

  3. why would you drive it would take forever and gas is through the roof all over the world if i was you i would just hop on a plane

  4. Cross the English Channel by ferry, then turn left.  Keep going. .

  5. There is no good one you'll have to go through Afghanistan and through the Kyber pass.

  6. lay a bridge on the sea and come on that dear.

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