
What is the best rodent to get?

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What is the best rodent to get?




  1. He will be a Labour Politician . The biggest Rats  are among them  

  2. hey get a hamster

  3. hamster

  4. rats. they easy to train to sit on ur sholdern they have generally good tempraments :)

  5. Guinea pigs are fantastic, especially if you only get on as they look to you for attention and affection, they are also very intelligent. I have had a few and in time the have all answered to their names and learned to go in and out of their cages as they please, they even go back into their cage for the loo & never soil anywhere else.  

  6. a rat.  they are really smart, and if you get the right ones they can be really nice.  i have two dumbo rats which are really cute.

  7. rats!

    theyre the most intelligent rodent (thats why they get used for scientific testing, cuz theyre more like humans than hamsters or mice) and the most loving. theyre actually kinda like tiny dogs that can be taught tricks and will run over to you when it sees you.

    you dont get hamsters that do that!

    ive had 8 hamsters, 2 gerbils and 4 rats and rats are DEFINATELY the best!

    only thing is they need LOTS of space but if youve got space for them you should get them

  8. Rat. They are very socail dont bite like hamsters and love attention. they are the cleanest and smartest rodent. my rats love learning tricks and diving for peas. they thrive on attention from humans and other rats. in my opinion they are THE BEST rodent ever! Good luck on your search!

  9. Capybara ! The World's largest Rodent !

  10. Either a hamster or guinea pig. They are adorable, inexpensive, and fun. But like all animals, there are pros and cons. Consider them and pick your favorite, or the one that is most reasonable. Good luck!

  11. rats

    i just got two given

    they are lovely :)

    and they are cheap

    proper friendly too

    and are proper clean if u clean them out and look after them well

    pet rats are called fancy rats

    unlike other rats fancy rats ARE clean and they HATE being dirty


  12. I would definitely suggest a Syrian hamster. i have had dwarf hamsters and gerbils plus Syrians and guinea pigs. they are easiest to care for and will cuddle up to you when you hold them. dwarfs are really fast and are needy of a lot of space. guines pigs are GREAT but require a lot of work and space to keep. they are very social so if you get one, you must either interact with it daily or buy it a partner. gerbils are different in personalities and can be really active and fast OR comfortable and calm when held. Gerbils should be kept in AT LEAST pairs. here's how my opinion for those four

    1- Syrian Hamster

    2- Guinea Pigs

    3- Gerbils

    4- Dwarf Hamster

    remember those are all based on MY opinion. it really depends on what YOU r looking for.

  13. Rats are probably the best rodent you could have. Hamsters and mice are rather small, so probably not the best choice.

    Rats are the most intelligent out of the rodent family. They are very affectionate, loving and are quite easy to take care of. The average life span for a rat is 1 1/2 - 3 years (it`s sad they don`t live that long).

    Here is my write up on rat care, if you decide to get a rat:

    please look back later......

    I hope this helps.

  14. RAT!!


  15. a hamster.



    they are inexpensive.

    they make fun pets.

  16. a frozen one

  17. A gerbil.

    Gerbils are very fun and I used to have 11 (we bought a pregnant 'man'). They are all very cute and fun to play with and mine love to be petted .

  18. Hamster


  19. Beaver

  20. Roland Rat Superstar.

  21. get a teddy bear (syrian) hamster. i had one that was 2 years old and died just recently he was such a great pet ! i never once got bit by him and these hamsters dont require much care and they are so much fun.

    hope this helps!

    if you want more info about them you can e-mail me.  

  22. In my opinion mice are because:

    They are adorable, they are very social creatures and they are usually very kind.

    And even if you wanted to get more than one mouse you could because they interact very well after the whole dominance rule. (Only going for female mice anyways males are always aggressive)

  23. rabbit

  24. gerbil  

  25. Hamster!! or guinea pig

  26. A rabbit is NOT a rodent first of all, But they are good pets, i have two. But guinea pigs and gerbils are also great pets. and easy to take care of, although guinea pigs get pregnant very easy so be careful with boys and girls. I have two gerbils two rabbits and 5 guinea pigs. They are all super easy to play with and take care of

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