
What is the best route to drive to Cancun from Metamoros?

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If we stay on the toll ways do we avoid the mountain road stretch I had read about? Any ideas on time it takes to drive the 1500 miles there?




  1. Have you driven in Mexico before?  It can take MUCH longer to cover a certain distance here than in the states. The toll roads are for short stretches...nice while they last, but interspersed with highways of various qualities!  I am an American living in Veracruz and have driven down from Laredo, then from Reynoso.  You will  need to purchase the Guia Roji, Mexican road atlas. Then remember, not everything in real life is as it shows in the atlas!  Also, highways sometimes have different numbers on them, sometimes no numbers, sometimes roadsigns are behind huge overgrowths of weeds, trees, there is lots of road construction...and many "adventures " to be had.  You will read that you should never drive at night in Mexico.  This is the truest thing you will ever read in your ENTIRE life!!! I have done a good bit of driving in Mexico...NEVER drive after dusk!  All that being is need to be prepared, and have a very cool short tempers allowed.  Mistakes will happen, roads will be closed, and you have to back track 4 or 8 hrs to another the trip itself is an aventure.  From Reynoso to Xalapa, Veracruz is about 900 miles and it takes 14 hrs driving time.  Some people say less, but they also catch bigger fish then I do!!  You need to drive from Matamoros to Ciudad Victoria, then thru Tampico to Tuxpan.  Tampico is dirty, ugly, easy to get lost in ( the highway does NOT go AROUND the city) and is ALWAYS under construction...and signs are ALWAYS missing.  Tuxpan is gorgeous, delightful and the trip from there on down to Veracruz is a DREAM...nice road, great views.  I am not familiar with the roads from Veracruz city to Cancun, but when you get the Guia Roji, you will see that it is a coastal route.  If I can be of other help to you, please email me.  There is a wonderful hotel in Tuxpan you may want to stay in.

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