
What is the best schedule for my one year old twins

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i have one year old twin girls... everyone says that the most important thing is to establish a routine... but i dont know what to put into the routine, other then food..bath and naps. what kind of daily activities would be good for them.

how much outside time per week is ok and how much is to much ( in NC) how long is the average nap... in the mid afternoon... how many naps should they have a day, when should they go to bed ...ect

please help with how you manage to do it




  1. to me what you doing is a routine. my daughter's naps and bedtime, feeding time is all scheduled everything else falls in between. I don't say you can only play outside for an hour if she has already had her nap or I will tell her she has to come inside for her nap that's all. and it's the same when it's time to eat.

  2. Nap time and duration all depends on the baby's age... on average they should be good enough with one nap a day, they should nap at either 12 pm or 3 pm.. which ever is most convenient. I have twin siblings, I just let them sleep until they wake up, but I recommend waking them up after  3 or 4 hours!... this should allow them to go to sleep early.... as far as playtime... one hour or two outside should be enough! it helps bring their energy down as well, so that when you go home either fall right to sleep or they sit quietly watching Tv or something!

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