
What is the best self-defence martial arts?

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What is the best self-defence martial arts?




  1. I study American Kenpo and enjoy it very much.  There isn't one style which is the best out there.  Look up your local schools and go try out there free classes and see what you like.

  2. I agree with Katana. Anyone who types the name of a system has no Idea what they are talking about.

    I Never thought about Soccer (Karate) Moms getting on here and bragging up there kids system.

  3. Does Sprint Running count? What about Parkour?

    Argumentation theory sound pretty good:

  4. Search-Fu

  5. "The art of fighting without fighting" - Bruce Lee

  6. wing chun kung fu - ensure you find a registered association with a genuine lineage - one of the best close quarter fighting systems there is...also krav maga

  7. The only art sure to keep you out of trouble if the art of not being an @rseh0le and not hanging around with @rseh0les.

  8. Aikido because it doesn't set out to do any serious harm to your atacker.

    You know when you call someone an idiot and they call you something far worse like an 'effin miserable scum idot?' Well it is the same basic principle as when you strike somebody in the face or body. To win they have to hit you even harder than you hit them. So you are in for a beating, that's because if strength opposes strength the stronger will win, but if you neutralize the attack firstly by non-resitance and redirect the energy of the attack without seriously hurting  your opponent, peace can be restored a lot easier.

    Aikido has no attack and focuses on self-defence in such a way you never have to cause injury to your attacker. You use his energy against himself and turn it to your advanatge. What's more you can use Aikido in your everyday verbal exchanges too and win everytime by giving in.

    And I say win, that means you and your tormentor end up agreeing or harmony is achieved, that means be fair and ethical.

    Sounds illogical but it works, you  may also wish to study Judo as it has also has a intelligent principle of non-resistance i.e. if you are pushed pull, if you are pulled, push. This has the effect of destroying the balance or composure of your attacker.

    These two martial arts are not based  on strength or causing bloodshed as some perceive martial arts to be all about.

    Very enlightening stuff so enjoy it!!

  9. kajukenbo

    krav maga





    Kung Fu San Soo

  10. All methods teach street oriented technique or should be teaching them.

    They should fall into the 3 S's category

    Is it SIMPLE no fancy or complicated moves

    Does it make SENSE usually if it's simple it makes sense

    Is it STREET proven

    If any of these components are missing you are being taught style not practicality.

  11. It really depends on what your strengths and weakness are to begin with. Also you might want to look into others definition of "self defense". There are some who consider self defense in the question "what is the best way to defend myself if I get into a brawl?" Others may consider the scenario of "I walk into my house and my wife is under attack by some crazed maniac, what could I do to protect my family?" I myself am a female and have much different concerns for my safety than the men who study martial arts. There are so many different ways that we all look at self defense. The most important thing to look at is what defense makes you feel comfortable within your surroundings and then ask the question "which self defense art will teach me the best way to handle this situation?" I would research different arts that are being taught in your area. Visit different gyms and ask questions. Good luck to you.

    By the way: Don't be ashamed to ask questions. Even if, the question has been ask before. Because you don't know until you ask. If some get tired of answering them may choose to not answer and skip to the next question.

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!! KARATE SHOTOKAN !!!!!!!!

  12. mma(mixed marshal arts) there is probably a gym near where you live, it involves anything you might encounter in a street fight, stand up skills like Thai boxing and boxing and ground game like wrestling and jiu jitsu.

  13. lol and here we go again. What you need to realize is that most people on here are going to tell you:

    1) The style they take

    2) the style their kids take, cause heaven forbid it is not the best

    3) The styles that are predominant in the UFC.

    What these people do not take into account is that any style can be effective for self defense if taught and trained properly. Martial arts all have there strengths and weaknesses, and what might be good for me might not fit you, and that's ok, that is why there are so many.

    Also many people (mainly posers, wanna be's, keyboard ninja's) on here do not know there is a signifigant differance between self defense and street fighting. A street fight is a clash of two ego's that 99% of the time can be avoided if one person refuses to fight. Self defense is the 1% where you have absolutly no choice but to fight. Self defense is about survival pure and simple. No money no cheering crowds, simply going home to your loved ones.

    I count part of self defense as being able to de-escelate or talk your way out of street fights. I also do not feel it is necessary to be able to fight 3 5 minute rounds for self defense. If I am attacked and I don't resolve it within 10 seconds, I have done something wrong. People can say BJJ and Muay Thai etc., but in reality if I am pushed to defend myself chances are it will not be one on one or there will be a weapon involved, neither of thes estyles addresses either one in training. Now that being said both are very good styles.

    Short point after a long rant:

    A style cannot defend you or fight for you, that is up to you, how you are taught and how you train.

  14. the one that saves you life or limb in a real situation.

  15. jiu jitsu!!

  16. jwbulldogs makes the answer very clear as do my contacts on here ( they know who they are )

    To sum up once again for the umpteenth time all styles are tools to be used ," the person makes the style work" its what you can adapt / Use and feel comfortable with. :)***

  17. Muay thai is my personal favourite because all out attack is the best form of defence

  18. It is amazing how many times questions like this is on here. The truth is and I believe you know the truth; is there is no best  self defense martial arts. There is no best style. There are many styles. We all like to think our style is best. But the truth is it is only best for us. Every style has its strengths as well as weaknesses. To say one style or art form is better than the other can not be based on facts. It is a matter of ones personal opinion. Unfortunately, we all have an opinion.

  19. How many times... it's not the art that proves it's effectiveness, it's how it's practitioner applies it.

    The best form of self defence is running. If that fails knowing any martial art and being competent at it and apply it effectively gives you a better chance of walking away alive.

    There is no simple answer. Choose a good MA school/dojo, a style that suits you and practice, practice, practice!

  20. yes kick boxing is the best because it is one of the only full contact matial arts,it is also a good way of keeping fit and it also improves concentration.

  21. the best self defense martial arts is the philippine moo duk kwan soo bahk do... it is the best self defense ever and it can be applied either your opponent is armed or not, one on one or multiple enemies.

  22. i think judo is the best all round but i know that its not a martial art

    just last week watched a very good judo player fight a kick boxer the judo player took a couple of kicks then pick him up and dumped him landed on him the bloke was done for then he was arm locked 1 min 15 seconds

    the next fight the judo guy had was about the same out come but less time under 60 seconds

    judo gives you it all because every one can kick and punch but some higher and harder than others.

  23. Aikido is an excellent art-

    have only observed this art, seems coooool to me

  24. katana 17 .his answer is right on the money. the person not the style every said before use all options to avoid evade or escape confrontations. last resort is to fight and as said if its not over in 5-10 seconds you are unlikely to survive especially if a knife or other weapon is used

  25. best defence is tae kwon do. best offence is kick boxing. the best martial art is mixed

  26. Hard to improve upon what Katana said, so "Ditto"!

  27. It all depends on your size and where your natural strength lies (arms, legs, speed etc).

    MMA training is good but makes you a bit of a 'jack of all trades and master of none'.

    If I was going to have my time again I'd start with boxing first (in my teens) to learn proper training discipline, how to punch correctly and take shots.

    Then as I got into my late teens/ early twenties move onto muay thai to add the legs, knees, elbows, standing grappling and continue increasing mental and physical toughness.

    Mid twenties I'd add ju-jitsu for the groundwork which is ALWAYS need at some point when you fight!

    The best martial art for you HAS to be something you enjoy and find useful or you won't stcik at it. ENJOY YOURSELF!

  28. no its not kickboxing its muay thai .. elbows , knee's , fist , legs kickboxing dont use elbows and knee or krav maga.

    About jujutsu its dangerous to allweys go to ground when you fight because 9/10 the guy that you take down will have friends verry close and then you get your face kicked i'am not saying  that jujutsu or any ground games are bad but try to keep fighting up.

  29. It really depends on what your strengths and weakness are to begin with. Also you might want to look into others definition of "self defense". There are some who consider self defense in the question "what is the best way to defend myself if I get into a brawl?" Others may consider the scenario of "I walk into my house and my wife is under attack by some crazed maniac, what could I do to protect my family?" I myself am a female and have much different concerns for my safety than the men who study martial arts. There are so many different ways that we all look at self defense. The most important thing to look at is what defense makes you feel comfortable within your surroundings and then ask the question "which self defense art will teach me the best way to handle this situation?"  I would research different arts that are being taught in your area. Visit different gyms and ask questions. Good luck to you.

    By the way: Don't be ashamed to ask questions. Even if, the question has been ask before. Because you don't know until you ask. If some get tired of answering them may choose to not answer and skip to the next question.

  30. There can be no correct answer to this question. It's as simple as that. I study Isshin-Ryu and have studied Tae Kwon Do in the past and can't say one is better than the other. Each is very different in it's own right.

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