
What is the best site?

by Guest56620  |  earlier

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To sell stuff or make money via PayPal? I hate craigslist, is good? Anyone else use it? Then eBay but I don't know how to send the item out, I do small items in envelope, but big items no... The post office is too far from me. =/ How can I do all of this in the comfort of my own room?




  1. I suggest you to try project payday, simply because you don't need any money up front and you can start making money within 15 minutes. I average around 2000 dollars every month with it. Check it out at

  2. Hey it seems like you are looking for a home based business to work from home. Well guess what I have a totally free system for you, where you can make money from 12 different places! email me if your interested.

  3. FIND upmet needs and till them; do not

    try to sell things to people who dont' want or need them!

    that is the secret.
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