
What is the best site to use for directions?

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What is the best site to use for directions?




  1. I always always use yahoo maps. I pretty much trust yahoo for everything.


  3. AA routelearner

  4. Personally, I prefer a good old-fashioned road atlas, a bit of paper and local knowledge. ;-) The various online route planners all have their foibles that can catch you out if you're not careful.

    As an example, take Grantham to Sheffield: The RAC, Google, ViaMichelin and Multimap all send you the long way round via the A1/A1(M) most of the way to Doncaster, then get you to double back to Sheffield via the M18 and M1.

    The AA, Transport Direct and Live Search Maps take the more direct route of A1/A1(M), then A57, M1 and then into Sheffield via the Parkway (A630/A57).

  5. Google maps or yahoo maps are great. But if your going to someone's house ask them also. Because some times streets don't go threw and yahoo and Google don't show that.

  6. the best DIRECTIONS are without a doubt from

    Many sites give detailed directions which turn out to be difficult to follow when you're on the road. ViaMichelin includes pictures of the road signs you need to follow to get to your destination and this makes their directions the easiest to follow.

    Having said that I find GoogleMaps easier to use for orienting myself in a particular area. GoogleMaps is also better at recognising foreign addresses. But for directions ViaMichelin is the only one!

  7. Yahoo maps is pretty good and up to date.

  8. Mapquest

  9. journey planer woo hooo


    bus train and car

  11. Personally I prefer mapquest

  12. MapQuest is pretty good, and Google Maps has screwed me over a few times.. got lost six times because they forgot to mention whether or not to turn right or left after an exit ramp, it just told me to merge with the road.. ecgh. Anyways, MapQuest is okay, but be sure to look at the map AND print the directions, so you know where things are and what to look for.

  13. RAC Route planner.


  15. Ask Jeeves Maps is very good. Just type in where you want to go and it gives you directions. Mapquest is okay, but in some situations, it is very outdated.

    Best of Luck

  16. AA auto route

    google earth think that can be used.

  17. I use multimap

  18. not mapquest it works 1/50 times you use it google maps but not mapquest it gets you lost rarely it gets you were u want.

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