
What is the best size tank for a small ball python?

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Im thinking about getting a small ball python from a local pet shop. Ive never had a snake before so im not sure what I need. I know if you can you should feed frozen food if you can but thats about it. How would I humidify the tank? How big of a tank should I get? What kind of tank should I get (meaning like screen top or something else)? What should I put in the tank? Any advice would be much be greatly appricated (sp?).




  1. hi i would recommend a 10 gallon to start out with but if you want to go ahead and get a good size tank for him to grow in i would get a 20-30 gallon long sized terrarium make sure your terrarium has a screen topped locking lid so the snake does not get out. you can feed the snake either frozen or live pinkie mice (newborn mice) depending on what he is used to my snakes were started on live food and they won't touch frozen items if you choose frozen do not put it in the microwave it will get to hot and possibly burn the snake run som hot water in a glass or deep bowl to defrost the pinkie. ok now for the heating of the cage i would buy a under tank heater to put on one side so the snake will have one end to heat on and one end to cool on to regulate its temperature do not i repeat DO NOT buy a heat rock it will burn your snake and possibly cause its death. i would also buy a water dish big enough for the snake to bathe in it will also be drinking this water so it will need to be changed atleast once a week assuming that the snake does not defecate (p**p) in the water which they tend to do. the tank should humidify itself. i would put a hiding area at each end of the tank according to the size of your snake you will probably know how big of a hiding area to buy. i would also put something like a rock or a branch (not from outside as these may carry insects that you cannot see but will get on your snake).

  2. Hiya !

    If this is your first snake PLEASE before you actually buy the snake DO SOME RESEARCH !

    It's no good buying the snake then panicing because you don't know what to do if it gets sick - or stops eating - or even if you have it at the right temperature.

    I get roughly 20-30 requests a year from from the authorities to re-home reptiles confiscated from ill-educated new owners !

    PLEASE do your research before getting any reptile - not knowing what you're letting yourself in for, is cruel to the animal !

  3. get a 40 gallon so when he gets bigger you wont have to buy another tank. what i mean if if you get a 10 gallon tank that's what $20 then the snake gets even bigger so you get a 20 gallon which is around $40 then its full grown and you have to get a 40 gallon and that's around id say $60-$70 that might be a lot but its cheaper in the long run and you will be better prepared. i got a top for my python that you can clip to the tank and it was a swinging one so i didn't have to take the whole lid off (it had a hinge in the midle of the lid i got it at petco). Put somthing in there for him to hide in like a cardboard box or half a log maybe a fake plant and make sure you have a water dish so he can drink out of it and soak in it. When you feed your snake put him a diffrent tank or a box that he can't escape from also make sure you have a uv light and lamp. Oh ya and have something on the bottom of the tank like if you buy a bag of wood chips from a pet store or get that thin green carpet stuff that looks like golf turf. And maybe get a heatmap those are nice to have just in case

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