
What is the best sleek and slim camera?

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my dad is buying me a new camera and i have no idea of what kind to get. i don't care what color just that it takes clear photos and has a video mode. thanks !!




  1. make sure it is a casio ,they have the worlds thinnest camera .

    also some cool bugs from nikon and olympus.

    they all take clear pics and have a video mode.

  2. I have been reading tons of reviews from various different digital photography sites, and looked at numerous sample photos and Canon PowerShot SD900 seems to have the highest ratings in it's category (sleek and slim). Pictures seem to be the sharpest and many reviews say SD900 is currently the top of the line in the category.

    You can't go wrong with this one I am sure.

  3. There are so many cameras it is very difficult to know which is best, but will show you a few to choose form.

    Try to get a camera that has an optical view finder because those with only an LCD display are not easy to use in bright sun.

    My camera has a 5.1 mega pixel capability, but I usually use 3 because it gives a great result, is faster, and uses less memory.

    This one is sleek and slim and has a great price. ...

    This one seems to have a great price and video mode. It was on sale for $160. SanDisk SD is great, but PNY is slow. ...

    This could be best. Two of the ladies selling cameras at Best Buy and Walmart own this camera. Saw it for $249 at Walmart. ...

    Check Walmart and Best Buy for prices. The people at Best Buy can give you really great advise and good prices.

    The first link below will provide lots of information on most of the old and new cameras available today.

    The second link will help you learn to clean the camera and battery contacts on any camera you buy. Digital Cameras require lots of power. If the contacts are not really good it can cause lots of problems. This is really important.

  4. my suggestion

    go to yahoo shopping

    digital cameras

    digital camera GUIDE

    be sure to check titles on the left side

    the guide should answer your questions  

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