
What is the best snake to buy a five year old?

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My daughter wants a corn snake, are there any snakes that stay tiny?




  1. you could get her a big worm and call it a snake

  2. A corn snake is a lot of responsibility.

    And think about it, snakes eat mice.

    Do you really want your daughter to see a snake eat a mouse whole at the age of five, and don't you think she would be maybe just a little scared herself?

    If you still feel that you would like her to have one, a grass snake is best. You can get them at about 5 inches if you get them young and they will grow to not much more than 11 inches.

    I hope I have helped, and good luck.,

  3. Hello; assuming that you plan on supervising your daughter when handling the snake and know that chances are you are going to be the snake's primary caretaker and are prepared for that; I would highly recommend a Kenyan Sand boa or a Rosy boa. Corn snakes are excellent pets, but are quite quick moving (particularly as babies) and are very easily dropped. They also are medium sized snakes instead of small; with adults averaging 3-5 feet in length, and some individuals occasionally getting up to 6 feet.

    Both Kenyan Sand boas and Rosy boas are incredibly docile, two of the easiest snake species I’ve ever cared for, small, come in several different colors and localities, and all around are wonderful (albeit often overlooked) snakes. Here is a short general care sheet that I’ve typed out; hopefully this will help answer some of the questions you may have on these guys.

    Temperament: They are usually very calm, slow-moving snakes, to the point where mine have been jokingly described by friends and family as 'the reptile world's answer to the teddy-bear' or 'noodles with eyes'. ;) Generally quite docile, most are fine with handling, and they rarely, if ever, bite people. Mine have all been content to find a comfortable place on my hand, neck or lap and just hang out, unlike colubrids (like Kingsnakes or Cornsnakes); which always seem to have somewhere to go. ;)

    A quick tip: both species enjoy burrowing, but Kenyans in particular spend quite a bit of time under their substrate. I've found that it is much faster, easier, and less messy to use a pair of smooth edged tongs that can be purchased for upwards of two dollars at a Wal-mart or Dollar store to gently sift through the substrate to find my snakes rather than to dig through it myself.

    Life expectancy: When properly cared for, either species can live 20+ years in captivity.

    Size: Male Rosys average 1.5-2.5 feet, females are generally 2.5-3.5 feet, some a tad larger, but never more then 4 feet.

    Kenyans are smaller still, with male Kenyans averaging at 15-18 inches, and females averaging 2-3 feet.

    Feeding: start babies on mice pinks, and build up to one medium/large mouse per week for adults. The general rule of thumb is to feed a rodent about the same in diameter as the widest part of your snake’s body. They are generally quite enthusiastic feeders; I have never had one that was a reluctant eater.

    Humidity: Both Kenyan Sand boas and Rosy boas are really low humidity desert species. A small water dish is fine on the cool side of the tank, but misting is completely unnecessary for these guys.

    Temperature: My Rosys have done best with a basking temperature in the high eighties, around 87-89 degrees, with an ambient (background) temperature of 77-80, and my Kenyans with a basking spot of 90-95 degrees with an ambient temperature of about 80 degrees. This can be achieved by use of under-tank heating pads, incandescent heat bulbs, or ceramic heat emitters. Under-tank heating pads are preferable; particularly with Kenyans.

    Cage size: A 20 gallon long is ideal for a female of either species, and except in the case of particularly large Rosys; males of both species can generally be successfully housed in a 10 gallon for their entire lives. Just make SURE the lid of the cage is very secure, as these guys are amazing escape artists.

    Substrate: Mine have done best on eco-earth by zoo-med, as long as it is COMPLETELY dry before putting it in my snake's cage. Aspen bedding, or even reptile sand or crushed walnut shells (as long as you feed your snake in a separate container to prevent ingestion) also work very well. With Kenyans in particular it is important to have at least two or three inches of substrate for burrowing.

    For further reading on Rosys and Kenyans; I would highly recommend visiting and . :)

    I hope this helps, and if you’d like any more information at all on the subject; please feel free to message me and I’d be more than happy to assist you. :)

    Good luck!

  4. I would say no, nothing. Even though a snake may not be poisinous, it's bite still hurts and can remain painful.  Just becuase a child wants something does not mean  you have to give it to her.

  5. Best snake for a child is a rubber one.  Just because she wants it doesn't mean she needs it.

  6. If you're going to be doing the care for the corn snake and she's just going to be petting it or holding it here or there, that's fine. If you want something smalle, either go w/ a rough green snake or a garter snake. both are quite small as snakes go and aren't very dangerous

  7. I'd buy her a toy snake. 5 is too young for the responsibility.

  8. Are you out of your mind 5 is way too young to have a snake for a pet.

  9. a corn snake. its docile,and enjoys human contact and they grow pretty slow,so buy the time it was 3 ft. long ur daughter would be 6 or 7.I have a baby one now.hes very sweet and likes to chill on the top of my head.his name is Seh.

  10. It really depends on how your 5 year  old is. Is she smart? If she wants one so badly I would have her look up snakes on the comperture so she knows what shes getting into. Also a small one would be good. Pets are good for resonubulaty. You have to make it clear that the pet will not leave the cage with out some one waching her and it will not stay in her room.

  11. well i dont think it is wise to ive a child a pet like that now.

    but if you really were to get one that hopfully would be taken care of someone more responsible it would be a garter or corn snake

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