
What is the best software to control children navigation on Internet?

by  |  earlier

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If possible, a shareware or low cost is appreciated. In addition: how easy will be for children to bypass it???




  1. net nanny!! they have to know your password to bypass it

  2. My friend has all ba sites on his computer blocked,he needs to know his dad's password to go onto them,it's mcafee.

    Or if you have comcast you can get it for free,just google "comcast mcafee free".

    Hope this helps ;)

  3. K9 is #1

    it's free. just register to get your free serial number in the email.

    You get a master password for bypassing websites / allowing websites you don't want to block.

  4. Well, i see your concern, basically you want to see your child's activity on the Internet while you are away, or sleeping?

    Well this is not even that hard.

    What we are going to do to perform this match, is we're going to install a "Keylogger", keylogger is a very helpful program that can show you all the key strokes, screenshots, chats, etc.

    this tool performance is high so your kid won't get suspicious. And, the other feature is that it is invisible, so he can't spot in task manager, in the task bar, etc.

    Download it there ^^^^

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