
What is the best solution for Palestinian refugees in the peace process?

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What is the best solution for Palestinian refugees in the peace process?




  1. The war there just makes me sad. I don't know what the best solution is but I hope to God that there is one.  

  2. lizzin to reggae music....Everyone lizzin to reggae music

  3. Move away from the all the troubles! They're refugees anyway, then they won't have to deal with it, plus lead peaceful lives.

  4. Give them back their lands and assest that were seized or pay reparations. Stop the strong holding and humiliation. Give them back their dignity and basic human rghts.

  5. Come to America and eat real live American Ball Park hot dogs! mmm-mmm!

    Theyre filled with savory goodness that will make your mouth water like a hose!

    So buy an American Ball Park Hot Dog today! (Brought to you by the makers of SPAM!)

    ...Shoot, I kinda lost focus on that one...

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