
What is the best solution for global warming?

by Guest64794  |  earlier

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Would it better to try and stop global warming or adjust to it?

Which one would more likely be successful?




  1. It cannot be totally stopped, only the rate can be reduced.

    We need to reduce the total consumption of fossil fuels.

    Capture & process some of the carbon dioxide produced.

    Increase the amount of oxygen conversion by plants.

  2. Nothing needs to be done, as it's the Sun, not man who is the source for all warmth on this planet.

  3. We can't stop it, so we need to learn to live with it. Making taxes to deal with it will only hurt the poor and middle class. $10.00 a gal won't even make the rich flinch. They swipe their card and their accountant pays the bill at the end of the month. and then they are off to a $600.00 dinner. A tax will just give the rich more  fuel to waste , when we poor can't afford heating oil or gas to go to work.

  4. The one and only other time a similar event has happened it killed off all life back to the level of the single celled green plant.  I doubt there'll be much adapting.  A lunar colony would stand a better chance.

  5. Scientists are telling us that we need to try and stop it because if the planet warms too much further, various feedbacks (such as carbon released from permafrost and warming oceans) will cause a runaway greenhouse effect and we will not be able to adjust to it.

  6. when did global warming start?

  7. All we need to do is figure out how to make 2 - 3 volcanoes erupt each year. That will take the edge off it

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