
What is the best sourse for organic phosphorus?

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Actually we want to prepare organic manure. we have the raw material enriched with nitrogen and potassium,but poor in phosphorus.




  1. What animal manure are you using?  How long was it composted?  What were the animals fed?

    We use goat & rabbit manures strait onto the crops, no composting needed.

    Horse manure is composted, often with other things.  Like the skin and bones of butchered animals.

    The goats are fed alfalfa and squeezings from rapeseed.

    Horses alfalfa, beet pulp, & COB.

    Rabbits, alfalfa & a lot of root crops, and greens, like carrot tops, and broccoli stems, ect.

    We also give our critters three to four different types of trace minerals, so we are getting those returned to the soil.

    Also of course are questions about what are you trying to grow?  What type of problems are you having with the plants?


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  2. The best organic P sources from animal manures—including composts—and sewage sludge are still very important. From a fertilizer/nutrient management perspective, the major differentiating factor is the availability of P. (manure, 80% available P coefficient)  Some other sources of organic P are steamed bone meal and cottonseed  meal.

  3. Chicken Manure

  4. Bone meal

  5. Bone meal is the richest source of organic phosphorus.Besides dhanicha a green manure crop has higher phosphorus than any other plant.

  6. how about that bone powder?

    I think it may be good

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